where are the recorded video kept? (Full Version)

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budd -> where are the recorded video kept? (5/29/2011 6:53:53 PM)

I finished a mission, and recorded the game offline [didn't have a utube account yet] like to upload it to utube, but can' find the video in the game directory. also are they saved in .ogv format , if so how to i play these files.

RooksBailey -> RE: where are the recorded video kept? (5/29/2011 7:25:19 PM)

The file is saved to your default FS directory.  Look for record.ogv.  It appears you can directly upload an .ogv file right to Youtube, but I am not sure how to get one to play outside of that service.

budd -> RE: where are the recorded video kept? (5/29/2011 7:44:25 PM)

Yea i saw that record file in the main directory, since i renamed it i was looking for my named file. I did upload it to utube, but the perspective is all whacked and it only recorded 16 seconds of it, something isn't working right. I found out you can play the files in google chrome, but again it either didn't record right or something else is not working. i'll try to upload right after a mission and see if that works. Can you only save 1 video at a time?

RooksBailey -> RE: where are the recorded video kept? (5/30/2011 6:48:12 AM)


Can you only save 1 video at a time?

To my knowledge, yes.  As soon as you record a new video, it over-writes the previous record.ogv.  

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