RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (Full Version)

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Mark VII -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 12:23:36 PM)

Nik,this is truely hysterical.


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Joe Wilkerson and I did heavy research on the creation of off map pathways. We based it on my research into wormholes and Joe signed off on it. We figured that the negative polarity of IJN warship metal grades would keep them out thus making them safe for Allied only usage. Most people don't know this but in addition to inventing the Internet, Al Gore also invented time travel and faciliated the initial USN funded research into this facinating topic.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused to the citizens of Gibralter

USSAmerica -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 1:24:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

How the heck did Yamamoto get the KB alllllllllllllll the waaaaay over there? The folks at Malta must have been sleeping! [:D]

First turn movement bonus. [;)]

chesmart -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 3:35:03 PM)

Andrew where can I find that map ? It's gorgeous

crsutton -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 4:05:40 PM)

Canton2, did you shoot this from Algeciras? One of my favorite places. I was there in the late 70s and early 80s

cantona2 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 4:15:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

Canton2, did you shoot this from Algeciras? One of my favorite places. I was there in the late 70s and early 80s

Nope from my bedroom window. I live in Gibraltar. Fire was in Gib not Algeciras. Border was probably closed because of Franco's foreign policy when you visited Algeciras at that time.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 4:30:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Andrew Brown

Hmmmmm. Maybe this can be recreated on the personal map mod I am fiddling with [:)]...


OOH Andrew , any chance of that personal map becoming more a communal map ? .. looks lovely and could make PBEM even more fun..


Nikademus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/1/2011 5:01:21 PM)



Nik,this is truely hysterical.


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Joe Wilkerson and I did heavy research on the creation of off map pathways. We based it on my research into wormholes and Joe signed off on it. We figured that the negative polarity of IJN warship metal grades would keep them out thus making them safe for Allied only usage. Most people don't know this but in addition to inventing the Internet, Al Gore also invented time travel and faciliated the initial USN funded research into this facinating topic.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused to the citizens of Gibralter

just a little humor after a long Memorial day weekend of boring monotomy. [;)]

Andrew Brown -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/2/2011 12:36:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: che200

Andrew where can I find that map ? It's gorgeous

It's still being worked on. Spare time is a thing I have very little of at present, but I hope to have it ready to go, with a scenario based on Da Babes, sometime soon...


Nemo121 -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/2/2011 12:45:08 AM)

Patton's zombie army wouldn't shamble. It'd strut !!!

crsutton -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/2/2011 5:37:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: cantona2


ORIGINAL: crsutton

Canton2, did you shoot this from Algeciras? One of my favorite places. I was there in the late 70s and early 80s

Nope from my bedroom window. I live in Gibraltar. Fire was in Gib not Algeciras. Border was probably closed because of Franco's foreign policy when you visited Algeciras at that time.

Yep, could not cross the border. Franco was gone but the policy stuck around for quite a while. Interesting place then, very small town and very conservative. Girls did not wear bikinis on the beach and all went home at ten pm. Franco's ghost, I suppose. Five years later, I went back and they were selling porn in street kiosks......I looked the place over in google earth a few weeks ago and don't think I would recognize it now. The town square is quite beautiful. Ornate tile work.

Nikademus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/2/2011 4:21:47 PM)



Patton's zombie army wouldn't shamble. It'd strut !!!

but can a Zombie strut without losing a limb in the process?

Chickenboy -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/2/2011 5:21:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikademus



Patton's zombie army wouldn't shamble. It'd strut !!!

but can a Zombie strut without losing a limb in the process?

Didn't you ever see Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video? The answer is most decidely yes.

Nikademus -> RE: OT-Gibraltar gets hits by KB!!! (6/2/2011 5:30:44 PM)

I saw it.....but i couldn't take my eyes off the Red Leather Jacket. i don't remember anything else.

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