Shark7 -> Ship types and classifications and the AI (6/3/2011 7:13:12 PM)
Since it was suggested about asking a very specific question in another thread, here it is: What effects do the different ship types and classifications have on 1) how the AI handles the ships 2) what I the player can expect to be able to do with said ships. I know there are some effects from reading the manual, but there may be more that have an effect on how the ship will be utilized especially by the AI. Players (I hope) are smart enough not to use an decrepit, slow old CL for a job you need a shiny, new CLAA for (IE carrier escort). But the AI might not be able to tell the difference. And there lies the heart of my will the AI respond to Ship A being classed one way, and Ship B being classed another? Right now I've gotten so many different explanations is like not being able to see the forest because I'm standing in the middle of it surrounded by the trees. [&:]