Kayoz -> RE: Expansion Discussion - Borders/Territory (7/14/2011 4:15:10 PM)
ORIGINAL: Hanny quote:
I'm not sure what they have in mind, Self evident from your posts content. More personal attacks? Or is this another example of the divine wisdom you've been mysteriously imbued with. Was it aliens who gave you your psychic powers, or did you get it from a pair of divinely powered stones? quote:
ORIGINAL: Hanny Ok, you do know that you start with, what is already present in game right?. There are, in fact, no borders in DW. Crossing a "border" is not the same as entering a foreign-owned system. Or that's not how I understand Erik's hint on the expansion pack. Is this another case of your "wisdom"? Are you able to read Erik's mind as well as my own? quote:
ORIGINAL: Hanny quote:
- exclusion areas - so that fleets will path-find their way to objectives while excluding the prohibited areas Already exists in game for auto controlled units. Pardon? There is no path-finding in DW. Ships go in a straight line to their objective. They don't need to find a path around an obstacle. reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathfinding - "the way in which a moving entity finds a path around an obstacle". Please indicate an "obstacle" in DW - aside from a black hole, you can go ANYWHERE. And what are you on about with exclusion areas and automated units (auto controlled? Do you mean "automated"?)? There's no such thing. You cannot, in any place in DW, specify to your automated ships, NOT TO GO to a certain place. If I'm wrong - please enlighten me. As it stands, it seems you're talking bollocks. quote:
ORIGINAL: Hanny quote:
- an interception method, so you can intercept, pull out of hyperspace, and force a confrontation with trespassers Already exist in game. BS. It doesn't. You can give chase. You can't force them to stop and give combat. At best, you can catch up to them when they stop, and do battle there. At worst, you'll play ping-pong - chasing them to and fro but never succeeding in catching up (ex: target faster than pursuing fleet). Again, I challenge you to provide proof to your claim. SHOW ME. Set it up in a save-game and upload that save. Demonstrate that it - as you state it does - already exists in the game. quote:
ORIGINAL: Hanny ... yadda yadda yadda I think that's enough to go on at the moment. We can address your other statements once you've explained the ones above. No sense in dragging out the point, is there?