Hortlund -> RE: Here at the end of all things... (Jap Armaggedon vs Nemo) (9/4/2011 6:43:50 PM)
Two more days have passed without me updating the AAR. Sorry about that, dreadful week at work. A short recap of what has happened these two days. Day 1. Nemo was psyching me into attacking Amami Oshima again. Dropping hints like "oh, the AF is closed and there are hundreds of damaged aircraft on the ground". Yeah...right. Like I didnt understand what would happen with the CAP over Amami Oshima.. I was expecting 2-3 CV TFs to take up position next to AO, but I was wrong. He brought 4 or 5. I think the CV CAP over AO on day 1 was close to 700 fighters. Nice try Nemo. Instead I wanted to hit Iwo Jima and Manila with night bombers. The Iwo missions flew, but all Manila missions failed to take off. Results were not too impressive. I think we took out something like 20 P47Ns at Iwo, not many fighters were based there, it went from 400 to 100. To our surprise, there was a huge number of night attacks by B29s on my main airbases in Japan. This is good for two reasons. 1) Nemo is reacting to my moves, which is bloody brilliant. The fact that he is leaving whatever cunning plan he was pursuing in order to react to my night bombings means that Im inside his head now. I believe this will not be easily visible, but Im suspecting he is putting up CAP at more bases, avoiding overstacking, setting up patrols etc. 2) Iwo has gone from 400 fighters flying offensive sweeps over Japan, to 100 fighters flying CAP. Day 2 Nemo plastered three airfields in southern Japan. His B29s are flying anti-airfield missions instead of city attack. It costs me about 100 aircraft per target airfield and about 100 damage, but I think its worth it. My HI has grown from 20k to close to 90k and I need all the HI I can get.