cveta -> Order of play in WAW (7/8/2011 1:22:27 PM)
Hi all I wonder how to pla waw with 4 players? New order of play in waw is diferent then old one, so after Germany comes Japan and Italy is last in a row. Basicly there may be three players ( for each counttry ) but if one player plays Germany/Italy he must send the turn to Japan and then play Italy. This will slow the geme turnover a lot. Same is for the other side - Su is first, then west, and then China. So basicly we have three players again, or if same player plays SU/China he will have same problem with sending the turn to West and then playing the China. Or did the scenario creator think that there is suposed to be 6 players? Italy will be hard to play without Germany help and good coordination betwen the two. Ideas? Solutions? Thanks