Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (Full Version)

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Perturabo -> Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/10/2011 11:07:08 PM)


Greybriar -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/11/2011 12:03:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Perturabo

Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator?

The only game I am familiar with on the subject is Zeppelin! by MicroProse, and it's more of a managerial game than a flight sim. The DOS version of it was released in 1993, according to TheLegacy. I wasn't that crazy about it, but an acquaintance of mine really liked it.

ezzler -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/11/2011 1:34:16 AM)

Luftschiff boardgame.

gunny -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/11/2011 2:35:34 AM)

Zepplica does a pretty good job of simulating the Zeppelin.

Zeppelin simulator

Tomus -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/11/2011 9:48:27 AM)

A Zepplin simulator would be fun. What I never understood was how they managed to successfully bomb London in WWI. Surely they were huge, flammable, slow targets that would have simple to shoot down...never quite understood how they could have been any real threat.

benpark -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/11/2011 12:58:39 PM)

Is John Bonham playable?

Perturabo -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/12/2011 3:01:27 AM)



Luftschiff boardgame.

Thanks. I'll buy it one day.



A Zepplin simulator would be fun. What I never understood was how they managed to successfully bomb London in WWI. Surely they were huge, flammable, slow targets that would have simple to shoot down...never quite understood how they could have been any real threat.

They didn't have incendiary ammo and everything else was ineffective. I wonder why there are no Zeppelin simulators. Piloting a 160m airship sounds awesome.



Zepplica does a pretty good job of simulating the Zeppelin.

Zeppelin simulator

For a moment, I thought that you're an adbot[:D].

NefariousKoel -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/12/2011 5:15:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: benpark

Is John Bonham playable?

I peeked in this thread just to see if anyone went there. I was not let down. [:D]

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/12/2011 8:21:54 PM)


They didn't have incendiary ammo and everything else was ineffective.

A good point. The advantage of a zeppelin over a blimp is that the former has a rigid frame and doesn't deflate when hit. (The gas was contained in a large number of individual cloth balloons, giving excellent compartmentalization.) One other thing to note is that if the zeppelin was flying at night or in the clouds and turned its engines off, it became almost undetectable.

planner 3 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/12/2011 11:09:42 PM)

Another ZP fact.....Only the US had zeps with Helium vice Hydrogen, making foriegn (to us) Zeps DANGEROUS.

Another Blimp fact: As slow as they were, no Navy Blimps were shot down in WW2, two were lost and one of those returned to California, sans crew ?
Top speed of the last Naval Blimps was 60 MPH, any faster and the Nose started to fold in to itself, excellent convoy and radar escorts for the fleet. They were the only Aircraft in the Navy that had NO Parachutes aboard.
A Blimp holds the record for longest flight without landing, 11 days and 11 hours in 1957 or 58.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 4:28:51 AM)


Surely they were huge, flammable, slow targets that would have simple to shoot down...never quite understood how they could have been any real threat.

Literary follow-up: in Rudyard Kipling's "Sea Warfare", he writes of an interview with a British submarine captain who surfaced underneath a zeppelin at low altitude. Although the airship seemed to "fill half the sky", the sub's deck gun was only a six-pounder, which did no damage worth mentioning. The sub had to hastily submerge when the zeppelin started dropping bombs. Kipling saw fit to include the incident in a little poem he wrote about the submarine service:

planner 3 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 6:42:06 AM)

Cpt harlock: Blimps used Helium (non-flamable gas) at approx 2 Inches mercury preasure, thereby even with a decent hit the gas would leak slowly (Most of gas was at the top of bag}. The ditching procedure called for a volunteer to strap on a harness that was attached to a (we'll call it a Velcro Zipper, for lack of official name) and jump and unzip same, therby splitting the bag into halves and slowly settling to the the ocean/ground. Oh yeah' cutting off the engines allowed some very nice views of the New Jersey Nudist colonies, not that I ever participated in any such shenanigans. planner 3 (aka Chief)

PS: No sub skipper in WW 2 would surface to shoot at a blimp, his best armament was stealth, if he surfaced he would be reported and depth charged by said blimp or escorts. German U boat commanders interview after WW2 said the blimp was by far very dangerous. As big as they were they made a lousy RADAR target also.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 6:54:22 AM)

After all these years I still learn a lot from reading these forums.

planner 3 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 4:41:33 PM)

I love strategy: My comment about the Blimp that returned without a crew, (above), came down in your neighborhood I believe in 1943. Should have comments in your newspapers.

ezzler -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 7:36:03 PM)

Weird story, that blimp.

planner 3 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 9:25:33 PM)

ezz: Thank you for refreshing my mind. OK not San Diego but San Francisco. Also noted that it had parachutes on board, contrary to what we were told in squadron lectors, we in the ZPG 's carried NO parachutes whatsoever, only one para harness on board and Mae Wests, etc. Thanks again for digging that up.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/16/2011 10:19:27 PM)

At first I thought maybe one tried to kill the other but that would lead to explanning to do when the survivor touched ground. AWOL maybe? That's a hell of a way to do it. Simple fist fight and they fell out?

planner 3 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/17/2011 5:54:08 PM)

ilovestratergy: The Dip in the top center of the bag is approximately where the "Velcro" {my name for it} was attached, the crew normally has one man go over the side with a parachute harness and ripline attached, this allows airship to settle slowly, now just prior to touchdown in water the crew jumps in to clear the bag envelope, if this occurred, the ship is no longer ballasted, and surges upward, and if enough helium is trapped, away goes the blimp. 2nd theory could be that on engine failure the crew, valved helium (out), bag gets near the water and in their panic, they jump clear, then ballast is gone blimp rises and they are in the water with only mae wests, since raft was found in the ship. EERIE but feasible.

Terminus -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/18/2011 1:38:08 AM)

Wow... The only simulator I can think of that would be more boring than a Zeppelin simulator would be one simulating snail racing...

ilovestrategy -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/18/2011 2:27:35 AM)

I have to agree with Terminus on this one.

Perturabo -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/18/2011 3:12:17 AM)

Time compression is your friend.

spelk -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/18/2011 8:02:41 AM)

Not a simulator, but an action/strategy game based on being a gunner on a fantasy-themed zeppelin.

Guns of Icarus

sabre1 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (7/18/2011 3:09:02 PM)

The only Zep game I remember was the MS game called Crimson Skies. I think that was the name.

Your home base was a zeppelin.

Perturabo -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (8/7/2011 7:46:25 PM)



Luftschiff boardgame.

I got it a few days ago. Wow. It's really a simulation. I started reading the manual but so far, I don't know how to play it so far. Very complex[:D].

ezzler -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (8/7/2011 9:28:31 PM)

Excellent. I've never played it but have always wanted it.
On the boardgamegeek site there is a link to a quick reference sheet for the rules. It may help.

Perturabo -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (8/12/2011 2:01:57 AM)

I remember thinking that one interesting idea for a solitaire wargame would be to create something perversely complex. Something that would involve player doing a lot of stuff and learning a lot of stuff as there wouldn't be other players getting in the way.
Apparently someone else got that idea too[:D].

bairdlander2 -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (8/12/2011 2:52:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Wow... The only simulator I can think of that would be more boring than a Zeppelin simulator would be one simulating snail racing...

Another smart ass hate filled comment.Do you ever say anything positive?

Perturabo -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (8/12/2011 3:47:42 AM)

I wonder if he's just trolling or if he's genuine.

Perturabo -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (10/9/2011 1:07:52 AM)

Fighter Squadron WWI has a flyable Zeppelin

Here's a demonstration of damage model.

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Does anyone know any good Zeppelin simulator? (10/9/2011 4:21:24 AM)

There was an old Yaquinto boardgame called "Flying Circus" I think. It had blimps. They had fighters attached to them for defense. On some kind of hook. If they were attacked they'd drop the fighters to fight off the attackers. Also, there was a blimp base in San Diego in the WWII era, it was in the lagoon just South of where the Del Mar fairgrounds are now.

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