Bing -> (10/14/2002 9:38:16 PM)
Believe he is talking about purchasing strike elements, not having them arrive in the game. You can try making the purchase points maximum, sometimes that works. Also check the OOB editor and make sure the availability dates for the particular aircraft include your scenairo date. Are you experiencing this difficulty in the Battle Generator or the Editor - it can make a difference. If nothing else works, go to the Editor, set the date, weather, time and make sure purchase points are very high in the Preferences section: I keep the points max at 20,000 for both sides and don't have a problem with CAS purchase. The show-no show nature of Strike Elements may have something to so with formations. One way around this problem is to open the OOB Editor, find the aircraft you want to be availalbe. No matter what the specific aircraft availability dates are, set them to 1930 to 1949. Save the revised OOB. If the aircraft STILL doesn't show up, you don't have a valid formation in existence. Under those conditions, you will have to go back into OOB Editor and create stirke element sections via Formations. Usually they consist of two aircraft and there may be a hard coded requirement that this be observed. Bing