Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (Full Version)

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Empire101 -> Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/16/2011 2:34:19 PM)

'You have only to kick in the door, and the whole structure will come crashing down'

With those words ringing in the Generals ears, Barbarossa began.

Here below are the dispositions of Army Groups North, Centre and South at the end of week 3.

The game began with the usual encirclements around Lvov and Minsk and by the end of the Third week, the Velikaye River south of Pskov has been breached, Mogilev has been invested by Army Group Centre , and the Lvov pocket has been crushed apart from three or four units Stavka cunningly ferreted away in the mountains around Slavko.

The Bolsheviks have withdrawn to the Dnepr in front of AGC, while in the South their defences run along the Goryn/Zbruch/Dnestr.

Luftwaffe Reconaissance has indicated a second line of defence is being constructed in the path of AGS along the Dnepr.

In the horrendous fighting in the Lvov pocket General Major Pavel Ponedelin commanding the 15th Tank Division was KIA unsuccessfully defending Stanislav from the clutches of the Das Reich Division, while General Major Fyodor Kamkov was killed by a stray Stuka bomb that missed its target and landed in the Generals makeshift command centre.

If anyone can drop me a line to let me know how to add 'pictures' I'd be grateful. I thought you just used the 'click to upload ' command but it seems you can only do it for one image.

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/16/2011 5:26:21 PM)

Week 4 of the Campaign and a significant breakthrough in the South. Odessa and Nikolaev both fall to Wiking and LAH respectively

Infantry playing catch up, but will be crossing major river lines in turn 5

If anyone can let me know how to attach multiple screen shots to these posts I'd be very grateful, as I have a few to attach to each post.

Saros -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/16/2011 6:53:04 PM)

If you use an image hosting site it will give you code for forums you can paste into your post to display an image. I think you have to replace the *img* tag with *image* for this forum.

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/17/2011 5:22:17 PM)

Thanks Saros.

Just finished week 5 of GC and forgot to take any screen shots.

Really enjoying the game as my Army Groups plough forward. Sveint is playing a great game, and I can't wait for my turns to come back.

Will do a proper update on turn six with plenty of screenshots.

Reedster -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 11:34:51 AM)

looking forward to your screenshot update - I just started my first GC 41 as Axis and am around the same turn as you... a quick summary of your plans and stuff to accompany the screenies would be neat too [:)]

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 1:44:31 PM)

Coming right up [:D]

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 1:53:58 PM)

So here we are at turn 7, nearly half way through the good weather.
Tarhunnas has kindly explained in detail about how to attach and take screen shots, so these, although not ideal, will do for now.

( I read his pm after I'd taken the screen shots and sent off the turn on the multiplayer server.) So they will be better after this turn.

AGN is closing in on Leningrad. The Soviets have been constantly retreating from one river line to the next, making the advance quite frustrating.
Nowhere on AGN's axis of advance have the Soviets stood and fought. My opponent is cunningly marshalling his reserves,
but he will have to stand and fight soon, and hopefully I'll start encircling him, although AGN is rapidly running out of manouvere room.


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 1:57:15 PM)

Here are the positions of AGC.

Again the Soviets are retreating from one river line to the next, making the advance rapid. Well over half way to Moscow, and Smolensk will fall next turn.


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 2:03:23 PM)

Finally AGS, probably the most frustrating of them all as there are so many fallback positions for the Soviets, but I'm hoping they will have to stand and fight soon.
In the far south, the Dnepr has been breached by 9th Panzer so that whole line will crumble now, and I'll be into the Crimea in two/three turns ( I hope ).

The game has been very enjoyable so far, but I have been frustrated in my attempts to bring the Red Army to battle.
Hopefully they won't be retreating much longer.


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 2:09:00 PM)

The bomb airfield function has been extremely frustrating

Here is a bomb airfield combat result from my game and I must admit this is pretty consistent with all the other results. Am I doing something wrong?


Klydon -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 2:15:17 PM)

Two notes;

First, turning on fort levels is helpful for those of us looking at your game to see how well dug in the sides are in a given sector.

Airfield bombing is very effective on the first turn for the Germans. After that, it is not very effective for either side. Not that you should not do it ever, but a good time is when you know you are going to overrun an airfield. Bomb it first a couple of times to increase the number of non operational aircraft, then overrun. (Non operational aircraft die on a overrun, operational aircraft flee).

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 2:18:40 PM)

Sorry, I never thought of that, I'll start doing it. [:)] ( the forts I mean ).

Yes I suppose thats going to be the only answer to hurting their airfields, bomb them and then over run... I'll bear that in mind.

bigbaba -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 2:38:54 PM)

hi empire,

you may try this:

to upload the stuff. the best thing is that you can choose between several monitor screen resolutions, its 100% free and you even do not need to register there.

about your progress:

AGS is realy hard going. the best sowjet units are there. i had the same situation in my earlier game in the south before i had to give up in turn 13. south is realy the hell because of the units and several rivers as natural defense barrier.

good luck.

and klydon is damnd right about AF bombing. in turn one, you can destroy an avg. of 4500+ red air force planes but then i would turn air support off and use the luftwaffe only to:

-fly supply to panzer spearheads.
-fly specific unit bombing missions.

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/19/2011 3:52:47 PM)

I'll have a look at imageshack.. thanks.

I managed to destroy 5200 aircraft on my initial Barbarossa move, but since then, airfield attack just does'nt seem to be worth it.

I'll have to try some fighter sweeps, see what that brings up [:)]

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/21/2011 4:41:37 PM)

Turn 8. Half way through the summer.
As some of you may be aware I could not fly any planes this turn, for some reason and I posted the problem, which is now in the Tech support Section.

At first it was only Air Recon was affected, but it turned out it was the entire Luftwaffe that was grounded. Airfield bombing and supply drops were also affected, not a single mission could be flown. Not very happy.

Hopefully what ever it was will clear itself up by turn 9.
I'm trying to work out how to crop a picture like Tarhunnas has kindly advised, but please bear with me as I'm a person still coming to terms with the technology of ear trumpets and bathchairs. But I'm getting there [;)]

Anyway, back to the campaign.

Army Group North:-

Situation report: Progress is good, with the city in sight. 4th Panzer have enveloped Lake Ilmen, as the defence around the eastern part of the lake was weak, although resistance is stiffening.

18th Army is coming up nicely on the western flank of Leningrad. I'm begining to wonder if the Stavka have made a mistake by continually falling back and avoiding pitched battles, as AGN have gained alot of territory.
Across the Narva and Luga with no serious resistance at all[&:].
General von Leeb as assured me that Novgorod will be in our hands by week 9.


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/21/2011 4:48:36 PM)

Army Group Centre:-

Situation Report:

Smolensk falls as predicted.
Pretty heavy fighting going on in this sector, as the Soviets have not just run off this time.
The Soviets seem to have decided to fight and have appeared to stop running, so I'm trying to encircle a large part of their Army over the next 2 turns,
but I'm pretty sure they will have gone by the next turn. Oh well, onwards and upwards.

( I apologise for leaving my mouse over that airfield....I'm such a klutz[:(] )


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/21/2011 5:00:39 PM)

Army Group South (pt 1 )

Situation Report: Feldmarschall von Rundstedt has assured me of Kiev's capture next turn, and it had better happen, or his job is on the line.

Eight turns to get to the outskirts of Kiev. Not very good Chris, go to the bottom of the class.[>:]


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/21/2011 5:03:20 PM)

Army Group South ( pt 2 )

Across the Dnepr in force in the far south. Thats another major river line breached, thank god.


I'm really hoping my problem with aircraft will go away on the next turn, otherwise I may have to ask Sveint if he would consider a restart, as I won't go on without recon in a FOW game, let alone not being able to fly ANY aircraft. Lets hope it does'nt come to that.

I am really enjoying this game at the moment, even though I had a moan in Tarhunnas's excellent thread about the ease of Soviet military evacuations in Western Russia. If the game allows it, then its fair game I suppose. I know I'd do it if I was the Soviets.

All hail to Gary, Joel, Sabre, Helpless and the rest of the team for their hard work and their support. [&o]

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 11:26:34 AM)

Thankfully Joel was able to point me ( very quickly I might add ) in the right direction and the problem was solved.
I had set % to fly in the air doctrine screen to 100% so any squadron that was not upto 100% just sat around reading Signal and smoking cigarettes all week long.
Set it back to 50% and hey presto, I'm back in business. Only lost one turns air allocations, and I bet they appreciated the unexpected R+R.

Back to the Front

Army Group North:

Situation Report:-

AGN continues to make progress, although now the Bolsheviks are standing and fighting, although Novgorod fell without a fight.
Good choice of positioning by the Soviets has slowed up the advance, but now units are routing and shattering, and I am close to Leningrad.

Overall Assessment of the 9th week= Good ( still on target )


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 11:30:29 AM)

Army Group Centre:

Situation Report:- Slow but steady progress. As predicted the Soviets fell back from their river lines so encirclement was foiled, but again many of their units are routing/shattering.

Overall Appraisal:- Average to Good.


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 12:07:14 PM)

Army Group South:

General von Rundstedt straightend his tunic. His palms were sweating.
He waited on a bench outside the Fuhrer's personal office in the Wolf' Lair.
Keitel opened the door, looked him straight in the eye and said ' The Fuhrer will see you now'.

Rundstedt entered the office. Inside the office were Jodl and Keitel.
Goebbels stood looking out of the window smoking a cigarette, while Bormann sat in the corner behind his desk staring at him, expressionless.
Goring smiled, that great shark smile, and Rundstedt knew he was in trouble. Hitler sat behind his desk in the centre of the room, his eyes smouldering with anger.

Rundstedt cleared his throat.
'Mein Fuhrer,' he began, 'I have brought you Army Group South's situation report that you req...'

He was cut off in mid sentence by Hitlers brusque tone,
' You promised me Kiev, yet you have only captured half of the city.......explain yourself!!', and he eyed Rundstedt malevolently.

'Mein Fuhrer, the Soviets have dug themselves in all along the Dnepr all the way to estuary. Fortunately we have breached the Dnepr in the far south and have expanded to the entrance to the Crimea.
We have also cut off the Soviet 215 Rifle Division, and the 16th Tank
The Dnepr will be crossed around Kiev next week, as we successfully attacked them south of Kiev and we will be able to cross.'

Goebbel's looked up. 'You made the Soviets retreat at one hex, yet after all that German blood was spilt you never advanced across the river.... Why??.
Everyone leaned a little closer and von Rundstedt started to visibly sweat.
'Well,' he stammered, 'as you are aware Mein Fuhrer, a major river in an Enemy Zone of Control costs 18 MPs for a Motorised unit and 5Mp's for a non motorised, +4 more Mps for being in another EZOC.
After the attack, the six infantry divisions had used all their MP's in the attack to shift the Bolsheviks, but......

'Go on,' said Hitler, and again everyone moved a little closer to von Rundstedt.

'But, Mein Fuhrer, I hadn't prepared properly with a unit ready in reserve to cross over after the attack.' He gulped and thought, here it comes.

Hitler exploded, ' You mean to tell me that you did'nt adequately prepare for the crossing!!!!!'
Rundstedt grimaced, 'Yes Mein Fuhrer'.

Hitler sprang up in a rage.
Everyone felt that Hitler would strike von Rundstedt, but instead he ran around in circles and fell to the floor.
He gripped the rug and started chewing on in it like a maniac, his eyes bulging.

Keitel and Jodl looked at each other. They would need to replace many more rugs for the Fuhrer before this campaign was finished.

Rundstedt left the room. He thought, no one would believe him back at Headquarters.


Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 12:12:58 PM)

And here is AGS part II. Dnepr properly breached and about to close one of the two isthmus's to the Crimea


Tarhunnas -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 12:50:09 PM)

That Rundstedt - Hitler bit was funny! [:D][:D]

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 1:13:51 PM)

Just trying to put a spin on yet another dreadful mistake by me [sm=00000002.gif]

Klydon -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 1:25:17 PM)

Not really a mistake to be honest. You may have gotten a unit or two across, but if the Russians have a fair amount on the other side to counter attack with, your units that crossed would at the very least take heavy losses retreating across the river and it could also be possible that they would rout with no place to retreat to if you were not careful.

The big thing you accomplished is getting rid of the fort there. You now have a soft spot in his line.

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/22/2011 1:30:08 PM)



Not really a mistake to be honest. You may have gotten a unit or two across, but if the Russians have a fair amount on the other side to counter attack with, your units that crossed would at the very least take heavy losses retreating across the river and it could also be possible that they would rout with no place to retreat to if you were not careful.

The big thing you accomplished is getting rid of the fort there. You now have a soft spot in his line.

Thanks for the encouraging note, I'll let von Rundstedt will make him feel a bit better. [8D]

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/23/2011 11:31:19 AM)

Will update tonight as I'm going out now.... but great news, 18th Army is over the river into Leningrad, and AGS rampages in the Crimea and and over the Dnepr.

Empire101 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/25/2011 1:10:15 PM)

Army Group North

Situation Report:-

Troops are into the suburbs, and have captured the vital port of Osinovets.

Panzers being diverted to AGC. Leningrad is now indefensible. I was amazed how poorly defended it was compared to the sterling fight my opponent is putting up on the rest of the front.


Mynok -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/25/2011 2:52:39 PM)

He left the 'back door' to Leningrad open apparently. This is not an uncommon failure of an inexperienced PBEM Soviet player.

Manstein63 -> RE: Crushing the Soviet Hydra:- Sveint (Sov) vs Empire101 (Axis) (7/25/2011 3:02:08 PM)

Now that you have captured the port in Lenningrad all his forces there will be out of supply & if you can quickly capture the remaining hexes of Leningrad you will be able to alow the Finns to attack across the no attack line.  I don't know how close your Finnish forces are to the Svir river line but he only seems to be holding it with NKVD regiments & if you attack there you could unhinge the entire Volkov Line. Also once Lenningrad finally falls consider withdrawing the panzer armee & use it to continue your offensive towards Moscow or to wherever it is you want to capture next. 

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