abulbulian -> BUG? can't be WAD - MG and Mortar prod (7/16/2011 7:27:34 PM)
ok, I've been looking into this for a few days now and can say without any doubts that something is buggy with axis MG, At gun, and Mortar production. I know people have brought this up before and I'm a little surprised and disappointed that this has not been addressed yet??? In my test game (playing both sides), I had this situation with one of my German Inf Div - German armaments 100k+ - German active manpower 100k (could let this grow as playing both sides) - unit in refit mode - unit 10 hexes behind lines on rail network ** in 4 turns the TOE MG % did not rise at ALL! This to me suggests that something is very very wrong here. Saw this trend with all German units I was watching. If this can not be explain to me and others, I would hope this issue could be fixed???? Please? Kind of a big deal, IMO, because so many axis units rely on MGs for their combat efficiency. I'm not sure if there exists a corresponding issue with Soviet production. I don't think I need to add that historically light and hvy MG production would receive a decent priority for front line units. But even so, there's plenty of manpower and armaments in my test game which I why I suspect some sort of bug here. Also, I've seen some issues with mortar and AT gun production, but not as severe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: results while using BETA v1.04.36