RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (Full Version)

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Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/23/2011 11:00:34 AM)

April 20th

East Indies: 3rd day now the attack achieves 6:1 odds but the Dutch wont retreat... They have retreat path open to 3 hexes, one of them being a base(Bandoeng). Why dont they retreat?

South Pacific: 70 Netties hit Townville's airfield - they score 7 runway hits and damage an SBD... lol.

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/24/2011 5:31:28 PM)

Bad news. It looks that due to time issues my opponent Smeulders will have to concede. He felt he can no longer play turn/day and cannot put enough thought and attention into the game. We are looking for a solution... Personally I would not care to start a 3rd game from scratch and play the early war yet again but its looking bad.

Stay tuned on...

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/24/2011 9:41:40 PM)

Game on. We have agreed to a lower rate of turns of 4-5, or more, a week. This will allow us both to have some non-WITPAE free time. [;)]

April 21st

A very silent day.

East Indies: That small Dutch airfield support battalion just wont retreat... I'm giving up and ordering attack at Bandoeng tomorrow. I hope them to not retreat but to hold until the next, shock, attack, in hopes of mounting as many casualties as possible.

South Pacific: Tulagi hits AF size 4. 36 G4Ms of Kanoya Ku K-1 are flown in. We now have the whole area under torpedo-Netty deterrent...

Tomorrow we'll test the Allied air defenses in Burma with a raid of 150+ Hayabusas and 60 bombers to Dacca.

koniu -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/25/2011 5:35:23 AM)


Game on. We have agreed to a lower rate of turns of 4-5, or more, a week. This will allow us both to have some non-WITPAE free time.

Very good news.

PaxMondo -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/25/2011 12:53:08 PM)



Game on. We have agreed to a lower rate of turns of 4-5, or more, a week. This will allow us both to have some non-WITPAE free time. [;)]

Yes, good news, but I well understand this. My personal life doesn't allow for the time committment of a PBEM game ....

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/27/2011 9:28:13 PM)

And the war continues

April 22nd

Burma: Weather grounds Japanese bombers.

East Indies: Bandoeng falls! 38,500 Allied troops die or surrender. Dili on Timor is also invaded, no garrison so will fall tomorrow.

South Pacific: I-123 attacks, hits and sinks an Allied APD near Sydney. This must have been the same convoy of converted Clemson DDs that already lost one of its number near Los Angeles. [sm=00000289.gif]

Home Islands:

R&D advanced A6M3, 4 factories move on to A6M3a(5 ready ones now) while the last one will become a production plant early May.

Also, I decided to move more troops to Kuriles. Paramushiro-Jima now has 225 AV, a Fortress, an aviation support unit and some ships(including 2 battleships). Onnekotan Jima is the next one to Hokkaido, and has now 2 Marine units worth 75 raw AW - we're moving 75 more and an aviation support unit to build fortifications and the field. Paramushiro is forts level 2,95 and I think we will soon be able to withstand almost any sneaky Allied attack that might come up there.

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/29/2011 10:25:55 PM)

April 23rd

A fine day.

Burma: IJAAF and IJNAF bombers hit Dacca's AF hard. No planes reported hit on the ground. We will now move the bombers back and increase number of fighters... We have 30 Zeros and 120 Ki-43s protecting Magwe's oil wells and another 50 Ki-43s protecting Rangoon's port.

East Indies: Dili falls and Dutchmen retreated on Java. There cant be more than 50 AV's worth of Allied troops on the whole island any more vs. 3,000 Japanese. I'll have to find our troops better things to do, but first they'll rest.


I-153 reports floatation repairs failing... But it wasnt damaged or hit before today? Its near Timor now and while the damage isnt heavy, its heading home.

Near Hawaii, the submarine screen finally achieves something when I-169 finds a convoy with a single escort destroyer, a huge tanker and lots of probably fuel-carrying xAKs. The TK is hit, its fuel cargo burns and the ship sinks. They're heading towards Pearl and will have to pass the second line of submarines next night phase - I hope the very good detection level will help and we get at least one more hit in.

obvert -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/30/2011 9:08:43 AM)


Also, I decided to move more troops to Kuriles. Paramushiro-Jima now has 225 AV, a Fortress, an aviation support unit and some ships(including 2 battleships). Onnekotan Jima is the next one to Hokkaido, and has now 2 Marine units worth 75 raw AW - we're moving 75 more and an aviation support unit to build fortifications and the field. Paramushiro is forts level 2,95 and I think we will soon be able to withstand almost any sneaky Allied attack that might come up there.

I think every Japan player on this forum is currently looking to see what troops can be bought out and rushed to the Kuriles!

Good search from bases like Wake and Marcus as well as some carefully placed PBs and subs as pickets could help as well.


Near Hawaii, the submarine screen finally achieves something when I-169 finds a convoy with a single escort destroyer, a huge tanker and lots of probably fuel-carrying xAKs. The TK is hit, its fuel cargo burns and the ship sinks. They're heading towards Pearl and will have to pass the second line of submarines next night phase - I hope the very good detection level will help and we get at least one more hit in.

Do you set the subs to then chase these big convoys once you sight them? Seems the only way to get more than one hit on them, and most IJN subs are faster than Allied merchants, so you could get a lot into their path I'm sure.

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/30/2011 10:00:15 AM)

I dont think the Allies will be able to pose a serious threat to the Kuriles for a while... Half a year at least. The most likely targets are still Paramushiro and Onnekotan so they'll get reinforced first. However in Scen 1/DBB Japan has no extra troops to spare so I dont think I will have more than 300 AV on any single island. I know my whole South + General Defense + Manchuko armies together arent as big as the one GreyJoy landed at Kuriles, so to make any difference I'd need so many troops it'd be significant force just sitting away from where its more likely to be needed, which will most likely be Burma or South Pacific.

I usually dont set the subs to chase or intercept... Might be worth of it against a single convoy but I rather keep the screen intact. I could have moved 5-6 subs to this one's most likely path but I've had bad luck with that method. Keeping the line intact I seem to at least at times get a hit in when the convoys sail past the sub lines. So far the Hawaii sub screen's subs have had a lot of different subs engaging so the Allies are not using just the shortest route from Pearl to LA.

Richard III -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/30/2011 4:30:26 PM)

Still following this one closely[8D]

Are you using your subs as a stationary picket line or computer controled or manually moving them ?

When I started setting then on "patrol zones linger 2-3 days" the attack rate doubled.
The allies are very short of escorts until `43.

obvert -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (11/30/2011 8:05:31 PM)

I think it depends a lot on whether you know or you don't know where your opponent is going. But lines work the same as zones, you just need more subs for each area.

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/2/2011 1:28:25 PM)



Still following this one closely[8D]

Are you using your subs as a stationary picket line or computer controled or manually moving them ?

When I started setting then on "patrol zones linger 2-3 days" the attack rate doubled.
The allies are very short of escorts until `43.


My subs are all player controlled. I'm using my subs differently at different places. I have some anti-merchie picket lines(perhaps 2/3 of the sub force), some individual subs or sub pairs and threes in choke points and some subs supporting operations(DEI) directly. I also have commando subs near LA and some other places. Picket lines have got mostly merchies, tankers and a less-than handful of warships, plus CV Yorktown. Commando subs have been perhaps most effective in kills per sub, with an APD and some xAKs and a big xAP down. The ones directly supporting operations have been the least effective(Royal Sovereign + hit on a CL + less than a handful of xAKs, xAKLs and tenders).

My submarines also seem to have "forced" the enemy to use Adelaine and Melbourne as mechie/TK ports instead of Perth and Sydney. The only non-convoy escort ASW assets seen are those PCs and DDs patrolling near Pearl...

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/2/2011 8:29:47 PM)

April 24th

Burma: Nothing happens. Within a week we'll have the 3rd wave of support unit reinforcements unloaded from ships and railed to their stations. Magwe and nearby bases have almost 200 fighters and some more within a week + Rangoon area another 60 fighters. As soon as we'll get some Ki-44s and Ki-45s there. I say, let 'em come.

East Indies: Japanese troops advance towards Djokjarta and Meiktila. Half of Java is now in Japanese control.

South Pacific: I-10's E14Y has sighted some Allied warships at Suva, Fiji, yesterday and today. I-10 and RO-61 on station nearby.

Home Islands: Kawasaki Ha-60 R&D advances this engine to August 1942. We'll get to produce the engine well before the planes they go into(Ki-61s) become available.

Now, let me introduce the IJNAF's Crash Squadron. These guys have flown from day one, well behind the lines too, their F1M mere 3 hex mission, and have crashed a LOT considering its just 6 plane squadron, no enemy contact, ever, and the fatigue is low with a reasonably good leader.

10 crashes in 140 turns makes crash every 2 weeks... If they fly, say, 4 sorties a day(3*2 minus those canceled by weather, sortie numbers of surviving pilots seem to support that approx figure), that means these guys(pilots are fairly skilled too BTW, no fresh replacements in my search and patrol units any more!) are able to crash their plane once in every 56 sorties. With 4 KIA guys and 1 WIA it means every time these guys take off they have about 1% chance to die or get seriously injured... Would you buy a ticket? [:D]


obvert -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/3/2011 2:51:16 PM)

And you're not even flying them four hexes!

Sometimes I put them on 30-50 search 20-30 rest and it seems to keep ops losses down. Not sure if it'll help this lot though.

Richard III -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/3/2011 3:20:47 PM)

Your Kamikaze boys arrived early...[:'(]

koniu -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/3/2011 5:47:54 PM)



Your Kamikaze boys arrived early...[:'(]

they are taking training to seriously

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/4/2011 1:33:21 AM)

April 25th

Not much to report. Paramushiro-Jima in the Kuriles hit forts level 3. For now I'll send some 450 AV worth of troops + 2 aviation support battalions in the Kuriles, on Paramushiro and Onnekotan islands.

First day for over a month when not a single aircraft is lost, not even as an operational loss which we typically suffer about 4 every day...

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/6/2011 3:51:48 PM)

December 6th 1917

Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! Happy independence day!

Sininen ja valkoinen, värit vapauden. Blue and white, the colors of freedom.


Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/6/2011 9:34:24 PM)

April 25th 1942

Another silent day. An unescorted 2-ship convoy gets attacked by a submarine near Truk, xAK Izumo Maru receiving 3 hits. Miraculously 2 of the hits are duds(Dutch sub, not USN) and the only hit does only moderate damage.

Other than a couple of air raids in Burma and one against British troops on Borneo, no action, but the buttons are moving...

PaxMondo -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/6/2011 10:16:22 PM)


So you are finishing up the initial expansion phase. What are your plans now? Anything major, or are you starting your consolidation and defense now?

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/6/2011 10:30:42 PM)




So you are finishing up the initial expansion phase. What are your plans now? Anything major, or are you starting your consolidation and defense now?

Mostly building defenses from now on. However I'm not giving up semi-active use of submarines, and to some level offensive use of CVs(small but reasonably safe "low risk - high gain" raids). I also have one more larger land-grabbing offensive in my mind - more about that once we're closer to the launching day. Approx 1½ month away as troops will need the preparation points...

EDIT: btw that "Imperial Crash Squadron" crashed another plane... But pilot is OK. WTH. [:@][:D]

PaxMondo -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/6/2011 10:49:24 PM)

Ah, so there is a 2nd level offensive coming ... cool. cant' wait.

koniu -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/7/2011 5:26:33 AM)


EDIT: btw that "Imperial Crash Squadron" crashed another plane... But pilot is OK. WTH. [:@][:D]

I think they telling you. "Send us home or we destroy all you planes" :)

send them, with XP like this they are going to be good crash test dummies in Toyota Factory

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/8/2011 7:23:12 PM)

April 27th

27th? Has the calendar skipped a turn? Looks like a typo in previous AAR report.

Another silent turn.

Semarang falls on Java, while a small Japanese transport gets torpedoed near Kwajalein.

First recon aircraft sortie to Broome in northern Australia. Looks like the base has received no reinforcements, as it is reported to have only couple of hundred troops and just 2 guns. Excellent. [;)]

obvert -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/8/2011 8:35:19 PM)



December 6th 1917

Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! Happy independence day!

Sininen ja valkoinen, värit vapauden. Blue and white, the colors of freedom.


My great-grandparents left Finland to escape becoming part of the Russian Army, so it's meaningful to see this. Plus, I always like to see Suomi in type. Such a crazy cool language. I bet no one cracked Finnish codes during the war.

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/10/2011 8:27:37 PM)

April 28th

Another silent day.

Burma: still silent, Japanese photoreconnaissance aircraft overfly whole Indian border once in 3 days and theres nothing worth mentioning.

East Indies: Japanese troops are advancing and will reach Djokjarta in 2 days! Timor will be 100% Japanese in 6 days.

Australia: Derby reconnoitered, just a small garrison. Good news that.

Central Pacific: the Kido Butai will be reformed and at the peak of its might tomorrow, near Truk. In 2 days, 100,000 tons of fuel will arrive at Truk. That should allow the KB to sortie at long range missions at least twice.

KB is from tomorrow

CV Akagi
CV Zuikaku
CV Shokaku
CV Hiryu
CV Zoryu
CVL Zuiho
CVL Shoho
CVE Taiyo
CVE Hosho
BB Kirishima
BB Haruna
BB Hiei

+ lots of smaller ships. On average each CV has 4 DD escorts. All the ships are divided among 3 task forces: ASW & surface combat cover, KB-1 and KB-2. Aircraft numbers in TFs are so high that theres about a 50% chance of lack of coordination each time the full number of aircraft sortie, but as some fighters fly CAP and some strike aircraft fly naval search so it could be 10-15% and I'm OK with that.

obvert: the Soviets simply used Finnish-speaking people. There used to be a lot of them living in Eastern Karelia, among with speakers of other Finnish-Ugrian languages. Used to be hundreds of thousands, and many were pro-Soviet then. Now, after 60-something years of Soviet rule and 20 of modern Russian, them all put together are literally in the hundreds and many have average speaker ages around 60s or so. Finns, Estonians and Hungarians are pretty much all the speakers who are still left.

obvert -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/11/2011 1:15:34 PM)



April 28th

Another silent day.

Burma: still silent, Japanese photoreconnaissance aircraft overfly whole Indian border once in 3 days and theres nothing worth mentioning.

East Indies: Japanese troops are advancing and will reach Djokjarta in 2 days! Timor will be 100% Japanese in 6 days.

Australia: Derby reconnoitered, just a small garrison. Good news that.

Central Pacific: the Kido Butai will be reformed and at the peak of its might tomorrow, near Truk. In 2 days, 100,000 tons of fuel will arrive at Truk. That should allow the KB to sortie at long range missions at least twice.

KB is from tomorrow

CV Akagi
CV Zuikaku
CV Shokaku
CV Hiryu
CV Zoryu
CVL Zuiho
CVL Shoho
CVE Taiyo
CVE Hosho
BB Kirishima
BB Haruna
BB Hiei

+ lots of smaller ships. On average each CV has 4 DD escorts. All the ships are divided among 3 task forces: ASW & surface combat cover, KB-1 and KB-2. Aircraft numbers in TFs are so high that theres about a 50% chance of lack of coordination each time the full number of aircraft sortie, but as some fighters fly CAP and some strike aircraft fly naval search so it could be 10-15% and I'm OK with that.

obvert: the Soviets simply used Finnish-speaking people. There used to be a lot of them living in Eastern Karelia, among with speakers of other Finnish-Ugrian languages. Used to be hundreds of thousands, and many were pro-Soviet then. Now, after 60-something years of Soviet rule and 20 of modern Russian, them all put together are literally in the hundreds and many have average speaker ages around 60s or so. Finns, Estonians and Hungarians are pretty much all the speakers who are still left.

I may have missed this, but did you lose Kaga? Also, I'm curious about yuor decision to add Taiyo.

koniu -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/11/2011 1:21:23 PM)


I may have missed this, but did you lose Kaga? Also, I'm curious about yuor decision to add Taiyo.

I am also curious. He is to slow for any offensive actions

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/11/2011 1:23:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert



April 28th

Another silent day.

Burma: still silent, Japanese photoreconnaissance aircraft overfly whole Indian border once in 3 days and theres nothing worth mentioning.

East Indies: Japanese troops are advancing and will reach Djokjarta in 2 days! Timor will be 100% Japanese in 6 days.

Australia: Derby reconnoitered, just a small garrison. Good news that.

Central Pacific: the Kido Butai will be reformed and at the peak of its might tomorrow, near Truk. In 2 days, 100,000 tons of fuel will arrive at Truk. That should allow the KB to sortie at long range missions at least twice.

KB is from tomorrow

CV Akagi
CV Zuikaku
CV Shokaku
CV Hiryu
CV Zoryu
CVL Zuiho
CVL Shoho
CVE Taiyo
CVE Hosho
BB Kirishima
BB Haruna
BB Hiei

+ lots of smaller ships. On average each CV has 4 DD escorts. All the ships are divided among 3 task forces: ASW & surface combat cover, KB-1 and KB-2. Aircraft numbers in TFs are so high that theres about a 50% chance of lack of coordination each time the full number of aircraft sortie, but as some fighters fly CAP and some strike aircraft fly naval search so it could be 10-15% and I'm OK with that.

obvert: the Soviets simply used Finnish-speaking people. There used to be a lot of them living in Eastern Karelia, among with speakers of other Finnish-Ugrian languages. Used to be hundreds of thousands, and many were pro-Soviet then. Now, after 60-something years of Soviet rule and 20 of modern Russian, them all put together are literally in the hundreds and many have average speaker ages around 60s or so. Finns, Estonians and Hungarians are pretty much all the speakers who are still left.

I may have missed this, but did you lose Kaga? Also, I'm curious about yuor decision to add Taiyo.

CV Kaga and CVL Ryujo are still returning from their indian ocean raid, where they got at least 8+4+2+6 6100-ton xAKs and damaged a 21st and 22nd(the other probably sunk). BB Kongo is with them, as are some of the CS cruisers.

I have carrier trained Saeki Ku D3A1 unit, 12 planes. They're aboard Hosho now. Hosho's Zero unit is on Taiyo and resized to 27. That D3A unit will later resize to 27(Taiyo class' capacity) which is nice. CVE Unyo that arrived recently also has one 27-size D3A unit being carrier trained.

I'm maximizing the CV deck space and optimizing torpedo capacity use... But I'm doing it by carrier training land-based units and moving units from CV to another(these CVs must then operate together), and not by gamey stuff like dividing and resizing CV groups. Once we have some more carriers we can have all CV Zero units but Hosho-1 operate from CVs, all B5N units optimized and the rest of the deck space used by D3As. [;)]

Erkki -> RE: Aboard the Red Castle - Erkki(J) vs. Smeulders(A) - no lookin'! (12/11/2011 1:55:58 PM)




I may have missed this, but did you lose Kaga? Also, I'm curious about yuor decision to add Taiyo.

I am also curious. He is to slow for any offensive actions

Taiyo, Unyo(, Chuyo) and Hosho have the same cruise speed with the rest of the fleet, 15 knots. CV Kaga is the slowest ship at 14 knots and limits the cruising speed.

In top speed yeah the KB is now 21 knots only BUT as I'm planning to use the Junyos(25 knots) with the main body of the KB it IMHO isnt a huge loss. Full mobility is lost already so might as well go for the mass. The full KB can still outrun all xAKs and most xAPs and TKs. I have chosen raw power, as in plane numbers and amount of escort ships, over mobility. If full pursuit speed is required, the slowest ships can always be left behind...

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