Descent Into Hell (Full Version)

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Boonierat -> Descent Into Hell (7/21/2011 7:19:39 AM)

The first three scenarios of my new Arnhem series are out, click the image below to access the download page.


fmonster -> RE: Descent Into Hell (7/21/2011 3:26:32 PM)

Cool! Thanks!

TAIL GUNNER -> RE: Descent Into Hell (7/22/2011 2:53:50 AM)

Gonna have to fire up this old girl again and check 'em out..

Been playing the crap outta Close Combat:Last Stand Arnhem, so in the mood for some Market Garden action.

big dawg -> RE: Descent Into Hell (9/4/2011 9:47:04 PM)

Hey Rat,

I downloaded first one then went to download 2nd one. It asked me if I wanted oto over ride existing files (yes, no). What should I do?

Boonierat -> RE: Descent Into Hell (9/6/2011 6:25:39 AM)

You mean when you unzip in WF folder? probably the leaders files.

big dawg -> RE: Descent Into Hell (9/7/2011 2:13:12 AM)

Thank you Rat! Really nice map. Lots of detail.

Crossroads -> RE: Descent Into Hell (2/10/2014 6:31:06 PM)


Just found this thread. Those are pretty impressive scenarios, a lot of effort designing them obviously!

What is the idea with the battles, are they to designed to be played against AI? There's lots of fixed units for one...

Anyone completed these scenarios?

okiemcguire -> RE: Descent Into Hell (2/11/2014 1:54:36 AM)

Thanks, these are great. I used the Generic Mod Enabler. My only issue is, I have to look up the scenario name in the delivered PDF then search thru JTVS for that given scenario. What is the best way to do this?

TAIL GUNNER -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/1/2014 4:53:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: okiemcguire

Thanks, these are great. I used the Generic Mod Enabler. My only issue is, I have to look up the scenario name in the delivered PDF then search thru JTVS for that given scenario. What is the best way to do this?

sort by scenario name... they show up first in the list.

Also gotta say, these are fantastic scenarios...well done! Would love to connect them all into a LCG when complete.

and now with the new windowed mode, following along with the excellent .pdf document is a breeze.

big dawg -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/8/2014 3:40:53 PM)

"I used the Generic Mod Enabler...."

I just uploaded update 2.0 and used the JSGME to select some mods. How do I use it for this scenario? Do I even have to use it for this scenario?

Dang I have played the CS since it was released & I should be able to know these things!

(but I do not.)

budd -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/8/2014 3:56:53 PM)

if i understand correctly what your asking, these are included in the 2.0 update. There in your scenario list for west front, select and play away.

looks like i was wrong....i got these mixed up with other scenarios..sorry. I'm going to have to install these myself.

budd -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/8/2014 4:27:35 PM)

well i downloaded them and installed them thru JSGME.

Here's my structure inside my usermods folder. I have a west front folder inside each decent into hell folder. I'll play the first one and then uninstall it thru JSGME and load the second one, so i dont have to worry about any file overwrites.


Crossroads -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/8/2014 5:11:09 PM)

I am not sure what you are asking here...

These scenarios are not in 2.0 if that was what you asked. I found them from this forum and was wondering are they well known. Seems a lot of effort in making of them!

As for JSGME, if you want to use it the proper way folder structure assuming USER_MODS is used would be:


For an example: ...\USER_MODS\Descent To Hell Scenarios

Then, under that folder you would recreate the folder structure as seen in the John Tiller's Campaign Series folder:

...\USER_MODS\Descent To Hell Scenarios\West Front\[all the files here]

It is quite easy once you have figured it out for the first time.

Have a look how the other mods are packaged, that should give you a good idea!

big dawg -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/8/2014 5:16:19 PM)

THANKS! I had a trouble finding the scenario once I opened game and went to pick it to play. The map looks great. Thanks for the help getting this added.

TAIL GUNNER -> RE: Descent Into Hell (3/8/2014 8:17:38 PM)

These scenarios only require mod-swapping if you're using the included custom leader photos. If you want to use these, you'll find a folder called "Leaders" in each download .zip. The files in the Leaders folder must then be put in the main West Front folder or point to it if using mod-swapping. (I did not use these.)

Be sure to check out the included .pdf file, and check unit labels on the map to find the historic missions of the 1st Airborne.

This subject would make for an awesome multi-day scenario....since he's using 10-minute turns, only 1296 turns![:D]

(If only there were a way to adjust Supply to simulate the worsening situation.....hmmmm)

Zap -> RE: Descent Into Hell (4/14/2014 7:51:21 AM)

Sorry for being so dense. But could someone explain this to me in a simpler fashion.
1 will these, once loaded, be found in the list of scenarios of west front game?
2 I guess I don't understand the mods. Can I just download these into the WF folder?
3 Finally, crossroads post above is this the way to do it? I'm confused by the different post how to do this

thanks for your help

Crossroads -> RE: Descent Into Hell (4/14/2014 8:10:25 AM)



Sorry for being so dense. But could someone explain this to me in a simpler fashion.
1 will these, once loaded, be found in the list of scenarios of west front game?

Yes, they are custom scenarios for WF. The downloads include an additional "Mod" element, that you might find interesting or not, such as photogprahs of commanders involved in the battle replacing the leader pictures that come with WF vanilla installation.


2 I guess I don't understand the mods. Can I just download these into the WF folder?

Yes you can. If you want to be sure not to overwrite any original WF files, just copy the [scenario-name].map, [scenario-name].scn, [scenario-name].org and [scenario-name].bmp files to your game folder.


3 Finally, crossroads post above is this the way to do it? I'm confused by the different post how to do this

If you want to enable the "mod element" of these scenarios, yes, then I recommend adding these files via JSGME utility. It is not mandatory, but then again once you've figured JSGME folder structure out it is a easy utility to use.


thanks for your help

Hope this helps!

Zap -> RE: Descent Into Hell (4/14/2014 9:08:07 AM)

Ok good thanks for the fast reply. I understand now. but one more clarification.

Yes you can. If you want to be sure not to overwrite any original WF files, just copy the [scenario-name].map, [scenario-name].scn, [scenario-name].org and [scenario-name].bmp files to your game folder.

This refers to the fact that there are 3 scenarios? So I should name them 1,2,3? (Descent to hell 1)ect

Crossroads -> RE: Descent Into Hell (4/14/2014 9:42:03 AM)

I think the three downloads have unique filenames each. 001, 002 and 003 in the filenames IIRC.

I am at work (hush...) so can't try to download to have a look at them...

EDIT: What I am trying to say is just download them, then copy only the SCN, ORG, MAP, and BMP files to your folder.

Zap -> RE: Descent Into Hell (4/14/2014 8:45:30 PM)

okay got it thanks again.

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