randal7 -> RE: Unlucky with galaxy generation or am I missing something? (7/24/2011 2:41:07 PM)
I don't know if anyone has run the numbers, but anecdotally, continental worlds seem to be the most scarce, followed by ocean and ice, then swamp, then tons of desert and volcanic. It's been a while since I've played the original game, but there are ways to deal with this continental shortage: -save up to crash research colonization at the earliest opportunity -buy the location of independent planets from pirates. The AI does not prioritize this nearly high enough and you can usually grab most of these, giving you access to different planet types. This obviously can unbalance the game, so set number of independents according to your taste for a challenge -(exploit) control your explorers manually and use "move to" instead of "explore". As soon as you enter a system you know what types of planets are in it; "explore" takes longer and only adds mineral surveys. By using "move to" and backfilling with "explore" where you will colonize, you can explore much faster. The computer does it the slow way, hence the "exploit". Yeah, you miss some things this way, but speed in finding colonies makes up for it.