Manticore -> RE: Why was Combat Leader(?) Cancelled? (7/28/2011 6:57:19 AM)
That makes me a sad panda [:(] A game like Panzer Corps, which I'm sure many thought was too niche of a market to be a success, seems to be one of the top games right now at Gamespot, and was such a success that they met their monthly goal, like within a day, and the developers have already expressed their intent to keep on developing it for years ahead, while games like Steel Panthers is left in the dirt. The developers of Panzer Corp basically took the tried-and-true method and kept it sample, basically only updating the graphics, and slightly improving the AI, which is what the gamers wanted in the first place. With the experience Matrixgames has with the Steel Panthers series, and its base of dedicated fan, who I'm sure are willing to volunteer their time for beer and pretzel [;)], I don't see why the project was cancelled mid-way without any explanation. Just update the graphics, improve the AI, and fix some bugs, like the skewy line of sight system, and I'm sure people will be buying it left and right. I know it's the only game that I'm willing to pre-order and pay even $100 for.