Unit upgrade path. (Full Version)

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stormbringer3 -> Unit upgrade path. (7/26/2011 8:53:20 PM)

Is there a unit equiptment upgrade path anywhere? I've been looking in the library but didn't find anything like that.

Rood -> RE: Unit upgrade path. (7/27/2011 8:47:26 AM)

If you look in the equipment.pzeqp file (you can load it in Excel) and go to the next to last column 'Series' you can see which units share the same series name.

Basically it is quite simply, if they share the same name you can upgrade them for little cost.
Wehrmacht/Grenadier > any Wehrmacht/Grenadier
Pz III > any Pz III
Bf 109 > any Bf 109

The only big mistake I made is upgrading a Pz III to a Pz IV and then shortly the Panthers became available.

PS If you wish you can tweak the possible upgrades by changing the series name in the equipment file.

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