JA Wijnacker -> My attempt too crush the Sovjets (7/27/2011 7:36:30 PM)
Hey hello Guys, I am going too try out the new update. I hope too crush the Sovjets this time [:'(]. The blizzard is a nice challange. My strategy focusses on the following objectives. 1 Taking Leninggrad before 42. This gets Fins into play and lets me with a army in reserve for Sovjet attacks in winter. 2 Taking Odessa as quickly as possible, followed by Nikolaev. 3 Crossing Dnjepr at Mogilev. Tactics: 1 Lage encirclements by spliting up mobile divisions. 2 Blocking railroadjunctions en rivercrossings. 3 Spliting infantrydivisions when opposition becomes weak end august. 4 Concentrating mobile divisions where needed. 5 Crossing Pola river under lake Ilmen. I keep you up ta date on the progress. Bye [:)]