Best of the best of the best (Full Version)

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Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> Best of the best of the best (10/16/2002 10:43:20 PM)

Hmmm want to get a thread going, something fresh and new perhaps.....yeah right heheh.

Ok here goes more of the same heheh.

What's yer vote for best all time wargame period end of story computer non computer cardboard or cards anything goes.

Oh and I am politely taking Steel Panthers (and its children) and Squad Leader (and its children) off the list as being to damned obvious.:)

Remember one vote ONE ONE ONE heheh:D

If you want to comment on another ya gotta post a second post, thems the rules.:)

My vote goes for Blitzkrieg. It was all you could want in a wargame, easy to mutate with articles like "Total Kreig.
And you could have just as much fun with it solo as against an opponent.
It was newbie friendly, and yet not idiot simple.
It had all the basics covered, naval landings, paradrops, mountain units, rangers, plus you could incorporate economics and politics.
It was not hindered by historical context, yet easily represented it.

And best of all, it's not some darn DOS dinosaur you can't run any longer on your new shiny mega computer.

AbsntMndedProf -> (10/16/2002 11:27:15 PM)

When I was in high school and college, I played Napoleonic miniatures over at MIT. That was a real kick!

Eric Maietta

jnier -> (10/16/2002 11:47:53 PM)

My all time fave? I vote for Third Reich. Wellington's Victory is a close second.


AlBW -> (10/17/2002 12:08:57 AM)

Panzer General.

rbrunsman -> (10/17/2002 12:12:14 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AlBW
[B]Panzer General. [/B][/QUOTE]

I second that motion.

Sgt.Striker -> (10/17/2002 9:59:25 AM)

i hate to mention them ,but i have been hooked on Talonsoft's great battle series since 1994 i think and Battleground watterloo. I was 10! and i was already a hard core wargamer. Also props to World at War, It lets me try to take my beloved canadian army to victory in another game.

Brigz -> (10/17/2002 10:13:25 AM)

Victory Games (Avalon Hill) "The Civil War." (Not the computer version but the boardgame.) Absolutely the most elegant game design ever. I know everyone has their favorite game, but I'm not kidding, this is the best wargame ever designed.

scimitar -> (10/17/2002 11:53:16 AM)

It's really difficult to limit on only one! Well, in such a case I vote for Airforce/Dauntless system of play (formerly Battleline, then Avalon Hill boardgame). Nice compromise between level of realism and fun of play. I made a PBM campaign that dured 5 years (with a French friend). It was really exciting to see some pilots growing their capacities (some of them becoming "aces").

I would put "Charge!" (Belgian game - level "introduction to wargaming") in second for sentimental reasons.

SwampYankee68 -> (10/17/2002 12:42:01 PM)

Combat Mission.

With all the great graphical mods and scenarios made by true fans(including allot of ASL scenario adaptations), it combines the "look and feel of miniatures warggaming with the complexity of a true wargame, with the computer taking care of figuring LOS, "to hits" and all that. And, CM2, CMBB has built upon that.

I was also seriously addicted to Mech Brigade and Colonial Conquest, both by SSI....

msaario -> (10/17/2002 7:04:55 PM)

War in Russia on Apple II.


Bunker22 -> (10/17/2002 8:26:14 PM)

Axis & Allies board game.

Come on folks, thats a classic !!

VonDodenburg -> fav game (10/17/2002 9:06:23 PM)

Panzer General 2, most definately

jnier -> (10/18/2002 1:16:12 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dave Briggs
[B]Victory Games (Avalon Hill) "The Civil War." (Not the computer version but the boardgame.) Absolutely the most elegant game design ever. I know everyone has their favorite game, but I'm not kidding, this is the best wargame ever designed. [/B][/QUOTE]

I second that. "Civil War" was to the American Civil War what Third Reich was to the European Theater in WWII. And what EIA was to the Napoleonic Wars. All were fanastic strategic games. Nothing beats a good grand strategic game IMHO.

Dave, have you ever played Frank Hunter's American Civil War? It seems to be (at least partially) insipred by the Vistory Games Civil War.

CCB -> (10/18/2002 2:08:58 AM)

Close Combat V and its mods.

Bunker22 -> (10/18/2002 2:29:10 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by CCB
[B]Close Combat V and its mods. [/B][/QUOTE]

What mods ?? never heard of them...

Brigz -> (10/18/2002 7:22:37 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by jnier

Dave, have you ever played Frank Hunter's American Civil War? It seems to be (at least partially) insipred by the Vistory Games Civil War. [/B][/QUOTE]

Have I ever played Frank Hunter's American Civil War? You bet you last Confederate dollar I have. I got that game way back when it was called "The Road From Sumter to Appomattox". I have about three upgrades to it including the lastest one. The only strategic computer Civil War game out there that works. Would like to see something with a little less economic detail and a little more military detail but none the less, a good game. Too bad someone doesn't come up with a state of the art strategic level Civil War game. Although I have heard that they are going to expand and enlarge Frank Hunter's game. Avalon Hill's computer version of Victory Game's Civil War was the most dissapointing computer game I've ever bought. Nothing like the board game. A real disaster. Must have been someone named McClellan involved in that one.

KG Erwin -> Les, you've made a very private page (10/18/2002 7:48:34 AM)

I visited it, and it looks interesting--you don't have a public e-mail address--so be it. Give us some insightful content.

jnier -> (10/18/2002 8:20:48 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dave Briggs

Although I have heard that they are going to expand and enlarge Frank Hunter's game.

Yup, you're right Frank does have plans to update it. It going to be called The Road From Sumter to Appomatox IV. In case your intersted here's the [URL=]link[/URL] for Frank's company, which also has latest version of ACW available as a free download.

Avalon Hill's computer version of Victory Game's Civil War was the most dissapointing computer game I've ever bought. Nothing like the board game. A real disaster. Must have been someone named McClellan involved in that one. [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL :)

KG Erwin -> I've played ACW, and... (10/18/2002 10:51:45 AM)

...apart from an occasional bug involving game crashes on Corps orders, I recommend this highly. There's a LOT to do in the strategic/economic realm, but if you know your history, then the CSA can eventually prevail. (Hint: set your capital at Montgomery, which was the original site. ) Also, for the CSA, be agressive in cotton run missions. You'll need those supplies. I also found that the CSA MUST defend Nashville from the outset: it's a vital armaments center, so fortify and garrison it. Bring the forces from the Trans-Mississippi east as fast as you can--you'll need them. Note the spare brigades on the coastal areas; redeploy them only when you need to establish new divisions/corps for your field armies. In short, there's a LOT to keep track of, so you must develop a national strategy and adjust your deployments accordingly. Frank Hunter has put a lot of thought into this game, and thanks to him for giving it to us for free.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/18/2002 11:38:34 AM)

For those wondering, I have a homepage (a very dry read aaaaaall about me for when the forums get reeeeally dull hehe).

But my email address is not splashed around much.

For those interested, I will be shortly likely trying my hand at making some manner of splashy wargamer web site thingy.

By shortly I likely mean a project that could take me a month or more heheh.

I have no plans or capacity for nice splashy sites that require funding of course though. But I might try and make it useful in some manner.

If nothing else, I will design it to be a jump off point in the search for all things wargamerish.

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