PinkPanzer -> Swedish Barbarossa (8/8/2011 10:40:35 AM)
Hi all. We have a problem. In our game, Sweden (Russian free state) is taking control of Russia during the economic phase. Once I open the file, everything looks ok except for some messages in the log about controls change (and then reverted) in some Russian provinces, but Russian income ad provinces control look ok. But when I click on Sweden, automatically most provinces of Russia become Swedish controlled. The data in the Economic Summary box change: Russian income decreases, as well as unit maintenance cost, and Sweden gets 146$ and 68 manpower. However the current treasure (in the upper right corner) doesn't change. In another game we experienced the same problem (we were running 1.08.04). We tried to go further but the problem went bigger and we had to go two months back in the game with new version. Could anyone help us? Regards Rubén