Blownz06 -> RE: Italian campaign (9/4/2011 8:21:31 PM)
Ok I tried these and ran into these issues: Greece 2 - screen goes black and nothing happens Caucaus - same thing bressaberia - same thing Elbe - same thing Crete - After british turn game ends automatically with allied victory Malta - After british turn game ends automatically with allied victory (there arent any transports for German on map, only some surface ships) Malaga - seems fine Albania - Axis has 2 surface ships and no troops or port for troop to leave. all you can buy is artillery and tactical bomber Preseov - 2 Axis tanks and 3 planes against 35 units? Nice - No Axis units? Not sure what the scoop is there. Greece1 - No Axis Units Tunisia - 4 Axis units and 1000 prestige to take on 30+ units w/ fighters/bombers will always lead to Axis being crushed. Not sure if these are still in the works or not. Had downloaded them thinking this was up and running. Running Windows 7 01) Elba, core=10, turns=16 ) 02) Malaga, core=10, turns=18 03) Albania, core=10, turns=15 04) Presov, core=15, turns=30 05) Nice, core=16, turns=24 06) Mareth, core=20, turns=40 07) Besserabia, core=21, turns=30 08 ) Greece1, core=21, turns=25 09) Greece2, core=22, turns=25 10) Crete,core=22,turns= 11) Malta, core=22, turns=25 12) Caucasus, core=23, turns=30