Matters of Decisiveness (Full Version)

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ImaginaryStar -> Matters of Decisiveness (8/12/2011 2:30:52 PM)

I am still easing my way into the PzC and I have formulated a few questions on the matter, if you would oblige me.
I have done the tutorial campaign, where I could always pull a decisive victories with several extra turns still remaining.

However in the actual campaign, after Poland, I could not achieve anywhere near as much success. In Norway I almost hit the mark, but Low Countries with it's massive amount of cities and defenders make decisive victory a somewhat puzzling prospect. I'd love to hear some general tips on decisive victory forging.

Also, what is a counter to the bunkers/strongpoints?

Thank you.

soldier1 -> RE: Matters of Decisiveness (8/12/2011 7:30:05 PM)

I fell just short of a decisive victory at Low Countries but managed to achieve them in all other battles except Greece and USA on medium difficulty.
I think the most important factor when facing a wide map with lots of towns is to plan ahead. Check the strategic map before you start and plan routes to your objectives. Organize your forces into cohesive groups able to achieve the goals you have set (artillery and recon help). Strengthen the forces who have the biggest workload or will be tackling the widest and longest fronts.
On the tactical side of things always try to think about where you leave your units once you've moved them. You'll want to be set up so you can deploy quickly to attack or assault an upcoming enemy town, while also keeping your forces defended from counterstrikes and flank attacks. Use combined arms where ever possible and have your units do the jobs there best suited for. When you take a town make sure you hold it.

Above all, move fast and strike hard. In areas where resistance is broken send out recon and panzers to cut off enemy towns. Make sure slow units and stragglers keep up or they will fall behind when you need them. Stick to your plan and keep your forces together and in good order as you approach the end of the battle as the enemy may not be broken just yet. Don't let up and victory will be yours.

ImaginaryStar -> RE: Matters of Decisiveness (8/13/2011 12:32:43 AM)

Thank you for all your suggestions [:)]

I am happy to report that I have achieved a decisive victory in the Low Countries on a second attempt.
I have changed my core composition this time, getting additional Sturmpanzer, Paratroopers, Bridge Engineers, and an extra Bf109.
Unlike the last time, I chose not to imitate the historical battle, 'cause that did not work at all. I made my main push through north, and a smaller one south.
I also bypassed some of the non-critical cities entirely (two central cities near Ardennes, and one on the northern coast) aggressively pushing for the mission objectives. This gave me just enough time to take them all.

Onto Paris! [;)]

histgamer -> RE: Matters of Decisiveness (8/13/2011 6:46:20 AM)

I always had big problems with the Low Countries on the old PZG I... Can't wait to get this... [:D]

Rood -> RE: Matters of Decisiveness (8/13/2011 8:46:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Imaginary Star
[...]Also, what is a counter to the bunkers/strongpoints?

Pioniere and Fallschirmjäger do extra damage against forts.

Longasc -> RE: Matters of Decisiveness (8/13/2011 11:26:50 AM)

Fallschirmjäger also have the "Pioniere" bonus?

I thought only Pioneers and Bridge Engineers.
I guess Rangers have it as well but it is about time that their bonuses get documented ingame.

Rood -> RE: Matters of Decisiveness (8/13/2011 7:59:43 PM)

If you mean the Pioniere bonus as in 'ignores entrenchments when attacking' then it's only the pioniere and engineer units.

Bridge engineers do not have either bonus.
Rangers have the fort damage bonus but not the ignores entrenchments.

If you want exact details then see in the equipment.pzeqp file (in the Data subdirectory) or even better get the editor made by Mark Garnett.

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