pad152 -> RE: IBM produces first 'brain chips' (8/20/2011 9:38:28 PM)
Right now it's little more than a attempt at a prof of concept project, sort of like the laser gun who's parts that were just sold on e-bay after millions of wasted tax dollars. Somebody else in Europe tried to make a computer brain in chip years ago, it failed after millions spent. This just another way to get millions more of tax players money for defense money research. The issue is still software not hardware, hell nobody can even make very good multi-tasking software for the 4-8 multiprocessors we have today in computers. We could double or triple the speed of operating systems/games/applications if we could write software that didn't waste all of the cycles of processors we have today. This might lead to more efficient processing of information but it's not a self-learning brain on a chip! It's been said many times, if we could just give computers the intelligence of a fruit fly, computing/AI would advance a 1000 fold overnight.