heliodorus04 -> RE: A Different Strategy? (8/29/2011 10:36:03 PM)
I share some concern with 76mm that 16 AP fortified zone creation is prohibitive and becomes a major strategic consideration. Maybe it will turn out to be worth doing in only a few areas, and it's fine in terms of tradeoff balancing (AP versus defensive strength). Maybe FZs cost creation will have to be reduced (and while we're at it, can we DECREASE the cost to motorize a division, and INCREASE (slightly) the cost of HQ buildup?). It might also be that the Soviet pays 16 up to (to be arbitrary) August 1st 1941, and 4 AP thereafter, or some such. But overall, Fort effectiveness had to be addressed downward, so now we'll see. It'll make me look forward to playing the Soviet again if it's challenging.