RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (Full Version)

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koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/5/2014 4:36:15 AM)

19 March 1944

Another deliberate attack in yellow road. My unit start cracking. AV reduced to 250. One two attacks and i will fall. It is not looking go, reinforcements have still at lest two weeks before they arrive.

I try CAP trap. 20 Spits VIII sweep. I lost 22 planes for 5 Spits. Bad synchronization. None of high flying units was able to intercept enemy. Only low flying bait was in place. Tomorrow heavy CAP Over Rabaul. I have 400 fighters (100 Franks, 49 Tojos, 180 Georges, 49 Oscars and 30 Zeros

Soon i will abandon Rabaul. I already start preparing some LCUs i have there for new targets in Marianas etc. I will be some time but i think in few months Rabaul will be bypassed.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/5/2014 5:01:40 PM)

20 March 1944

Quiet day. Franks sweep Chittagong and Cox's Bazar and they found nothing. No CAP but reckon show 120 fighters in home. Interesting. I hope it will force Docup to keep some CAP in bases in Frank r range. or i will pay visit with bombers.

Franks and Georges sweep base again founding thin air. Time to use that in my favore

North Pacific.
Sub that i have near Adak was heavily damage by DE and later attacked by Dauntless DB.
I hope plane was LBA and not from carrier. Sub have 1/4 chances of survival.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/5/2014 7:51:43 PM)

Important question.

I have ID and arty and AA unit running away from enemy. Enemy is in hex with mine troops.
So far troops where moving in combat mode. Arty units where fallowing ID. So far they move 36 miles. 6 miles every day.

Hex is jungle rough with yellow road.

Now question.
How many miles will ID move if i switch it to move mode? I am also willing to cancel fallow order to left arty units behind if i will be able to move those last 10 miles with ID and run away from enemy attack that will probably happen tomorrow.

witpqs -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/5/2014 9:21:28 PM)

I use the rule of thumb that move mode is about twice as fast as combat mode. That might not be hard and fast. The real thing is, save the game just before you play with those orders. If the movement mileage gets reset that would obviously be the opposite of what you want.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/6/2014 3:54:23 AM)

So far my troops where moving 6 miles per day. It was speed in combat mode of slowest unit. I assume slowest is artillery unit.

Infantry alone in that territory should be able to move 10 miles in combat ant 15 in speed mode.(i need 11 so only move mode)
At lest i have units in other places that are mowing in those speeds. So at lest ID should be able to move out from hex before attack. An if i get lucky also Arty nits should make it.
Still not sure how diruption/fatigue and enemy presence in hex will impact speed.

I think i will risk. If i retreat before battle i will buy few good days maybe two weeks before Docup will catch me up. Enough to bring reinforcements. If i fail it will change nothing, ID is cracking and will probably not survive next attack. If he send bombers and bomb me from air ID will switch to combat and that will change nothing.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/8/2014 5:08:01 PM)

You should get out just fine.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/12/2014 6:53:35 AM)

22 March 44

I don`t know If Docup mention about this, but if he, readers of his AAR will know what i talking about. Since last Monday Docup wife and mother stop to be most important women in his live.

Turns where quiet. Without big actions. My troop in Yellow road in Burma mange to run before allied attack. Now we running south fallowed by allied 2000AV army. 700AV Thai army is waiting on Border. Together with troops that are running south it will give me something like 1200AV in x3 terrain. I also moving 700AV (250 AV in tanks) but they need some time to arrive. Bombers will try to slow down enemy. Next 2 weeks are critical.

North Pacific.
I have subs patrolling north Pacific. Last turn i found that Docup have there CVE TF on ASW mission. At lest i hope that it is only CV TF in area. Docup start reckoning my North islands. I sending MKB to Intercept that ASW TF. 150 planes should do the trick. I am also reinforcing north islands. They arleady have 400+AV behind 6 fort each. But i will send some AT guns and ART. Plus i will mine them. I think i will also send some planes to area to give Docup a sign that I see him

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/14/2014 5:11:54 AM)


In 5 days first B-29 unit will arrive on map and 4 days later Docup will start getting those wonder weapon as replacements.

I think i am ready. All bases in Asia that can be potential targets (oil fields, refineries, HI) have now proper defense. Each base have at lest one latest generation fighter unit (Frank, George) and night fighters. Big bases like Palembang, Soerabaja etc have more.
Palembang have 90 Fighters K-84a, N1K2 and Ki-45, at night air is defended by 45 NFs. Plus something like 50+ AA guns including 12cm guns.

I am wonder if Docup is able to use China as base for his bombers. From central China Docup is able to hit South HI Islands. I will have few units flying CAP at day and night, but i think China don`t have enough supply for B-29 ops.
As soon as Burma will return to some balance i will rebase bombers to China and i will close all big AF in China.

I don`t expecting to see B-29 sooner that middle of April

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/14/2014 7:16:18 AM)



Turns where quiet. Without big actions.

at this point, relish the quiet days. Anything without action in 44 is a blessing. Keep it up koniu!

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/14/2014 11:50:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: obvert



Turns where quiet. Without big actions.

at this point, relish the quiet days. Anything without action in 44 is a blessing. Keep it up koniu!

I like those quiet days but not because they are quiet, I like them because after those turns i will not spend 30 minutes cleaning that entire mess after battle. Pilots, replacements etc. Nightmare.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/16/2014 3:53:40 AM)

24 March 1944

Quiet. I replace one of IDs in hex south of Taung Gyi.
Hex is defended with 3ID, 250AV in tanks plus lot of ART and AT guns. Tomorrow another ID will enter hex giving me ~1900AV in hex. In other places troops preparing to retret from central Burma

Allied have sneak invasion force to area and land in one of dot base islands East of Saumlaki.
Probably all allied troops land because Docup use APAs.I was thinking to send Cruisers to intercept but they refuel last turn and are able to move only 5 hex at full in night phase.[:(] and ~15+ subs is hunting in that area so mission was canceled. No sigh of allied CV.

Naval Search
I will adjust my naval search. Again to avoid situation that i don`t see enemy approaching 8 hexes from my base.

During short discussion with Docup told me that he find holes in my search net. I decide to move some search units to places i abandon earlier. SE Pacific etc. I will sent also one more unit to patrol North Pacific and sea west of Sumatra. I cant hold those units ther long but i can rotate my units between areas creating somehow rotation of serch units. I should make chance of detecting enemy little better. Also i will temporary close close holes in rech grid forcing Docup to test it constantly.

CV Unryu
After 2 months in dry dock all damage after TTs hit is repaired
In 2 weeks will rejoin KB

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/18/2014 9:18:59 AM)

25-26 March 1944

We have another ground battle south of Taung Gyi. Again Allies get bloody nose. My boys eliminate from game at lest 1 full Indian ID.
5th Indian Division AV drop from 380 to 0 (zero) after battle

Ground combat at 58,49 (near Taung Gyi)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 78756 troops, 1239 guns, 1690 vehicles, Assault Value = 3824

Defending force 61378 troops, 763 guns, 776 vehicles, Assault Value = 1975

Allied adjusted assault: 1545

Japanese adjusted defense: 5962

Allied assault odds: 1 to 3

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+)

Japanese ground losses:
5612 casualties reported
Squads: 33 destroyed, 441 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 43 disabled
Engineers: 5 destroyed, 47 disabled
Guns lost 144 (14 destroyed, 130 disabled)
Vehicles lost 22 (4 destroyed, 18 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
6672 casualties reported
Squads: 65 destroyed, 747 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 86 disabled
Engineers: 14 destroyed, 104 disabled
Guns lost 101 (8 destroyed, 93 disabled)
Vehicles lost 46 (2 destroyed, 44 disabled)

Assaulting units:
27th Infantry/A Division
26th Indian Division
6th Chinese/C Corps
27th Infantry/B Division
50th Tank Brigade
XV Corps Engineer Battalion
27th Infantry/C Division
6th Chinese/B Corps
1st Cavalry (Spec) Cavalry Division
XXXIII Corps Engineer Battalion
5th Indian Division
20th Indian/A Division
Provisionl Tank Brigade
6th Australian Division
18th British Division
6th Chinese/A Corps
20th Indian/C Division
2/9th Field Regiment
14th Indian Light AA Regiment
77th Heavy AA Regiment
249th Field Artillery Battalion
226th Field Artillery Battalion
8th Medium Regiment
65th Coast AA Regiment
6th Medium Regiment
26th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
30th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment

Defending units:
8th Division
16th Division
33rd Division
18th Division
2nd Tank/C Division
1st Art.Mortar Regiment
15th Army
3rd Mortar Battalion
3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
57th Field AA Battalion
52nd Field AA Battalion
8th RF Gun Battalion

Allies land in Kai-eilanden and on 27th they capture base.
I send K-84r to sweep Saumlaki but sweep arrive spreed in multiple small groups each 10-15 planes and we get slathered. 30 Franks lost for ~15 enemy planes.

Ground combat at Kai-eilanden (81,115)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 3437 troops, 42 guns, 107 vehicles, Assault Value = 217

Defending force 518 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 8

Allied adjusted assault: 89

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 89 to 1 (fort level 0)

Allied forces CAPTURE Kai-eilanden !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), preparation(-)
experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
668 casualties reported
Squads: 36 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 47 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
2/6th Armoured Regiment
16th Chindit Brigade
2nd RAN Base Force

Defending units:
44th Naval Guard Unit


I am out of green navy pilots in replacements. Lucky it is not because combat loses but because training program was full success.
I have all groups full of pilots (training or combat) plus pools are full.

-1500 trained fighter pilots (half of them is XP60+)
-2000 trained navy bomber pilots (XP45+, navbomb 70, and some training in search/ASW)
-1200 trained torpedo bomber pilots (XP45+, torpedo 70, decent 60+ navbomb training, and some training in search)

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/19/2014 4:38:13 AM)

26 March 1944

I forgot to mention most important action of day.
Docup send 3xDD TF to Ambaon (pre Fletcher class). Don`t know whyhe send them, but my CA TF intercept them and and sunk 2 of them. I will stay with Cruisers there for day maybe two but i need to retreat them soon. They are now below 50% of fuel, plus they accumulate some damage from staying in sea so long(month+). Replacements are already on way but they need few more days so i will risk having Ambon unprotected for few days. One DD will return to Soerobaya today, he collide with CA during battle, lucky only lot of engine damage and little flood damage

I see CVE TF south of Saumlaki i think i will try CAP trap if he stay there for few days.
I think CVEs have order to hunt my SAG if i decide to visit one of his base and somehow my SAG will not manage to retreat to Ambon. I can be good oportuniti to shotdown some planes.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/20/2014 7:04:57 AM)

Turns are slow
We manage only to do 4 turns in last week. I have work Docup have Ava, that baby is refusing to sleep at night.

I hope we will return to normal 6+ turn/week asap.

Meanwhile after short discussion we decide that HK will not be considered as part of China. So no HR protection from industry bombing. I will need to re base there some fighters.

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/20/2014 7:17:21 AM)



Turns are slow
We manage only to do 4 turns in last week. I have work Docup have Ava, that baby is refusing to sleep at night.

I hope we will return to normal 6+ turn/week asap.

Meanwhile after short discussion we decide that HK will not be considered as part of China. So no HR protection from industry bombing. I will need to re base there some fighters.

In the game with Jocke I removed restrictions on strat bombing in 44 as there was a precedent in the war and he had by then the B-29 whose sole mission was strat bombing. It of course made things harder for me, but it felt right, and added an interesting challenge to try to predict and cover the industry. Although he eventually destroyed ALL of the industry in China that was not the deciding theatre and really that didn't change the outcome except occupying the B-29s on missions I thought less important than hitting the HI and knocking out the big centers of HI/LI and the airframe industries.

So, it is a concession in some ways but can also have some positives.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/20/2014 1:31:36 PM)

27 March 1944


70 allied fighters sweep Pegu. No oposition

Couple 4E bomb Namlea. Small damage. AF operational.
Allied CVE TF 45nm south of Babar. Tomorrow CAP trap.[sm=00000055.gif] Intel show ~120 CV planes.

I see some Cargo ships in Demar and around Timor. I will send some bombers maybe i will have some luck and will hit some troops on ships.

I think it is time to show with KB. It should slow him down. I allowing him to much in this area. But i need few days for that.

That will be all folks

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/22/2014 5:03:39 AM)

28 March 1944


Ambon was visited by Fletcher TF. 6 destroyers move at night to base. On morning they intercept and sunk two Es and Amc. I move my Cruisers to Tarnate to refuel so no chance of combat. Destroyers stay in Ambon entire day. Unlucky for me none of bombers i have in range fly.

But more important things happen in air. As i told earlier i send DD TF to try CAP trap. I wasen`t expecting so good result. DDs take position 90nm north of Damar, Exactly 7 hexes from last know enemy CVE position. 200 fighters where on Escort.
Because i saw soeme Cargo ships in Damar and Lautem Sweeps where ordered and over 100 bombers have naval attack order.

Days start with info that enemy TF(later i will learn that is was CVE TF) take position 90nm north of Saumlaki. First came sweeps over Damar. Firs N1K2 sweep meet only one Marlet, but next sweeps (K-84) meet F6Fs, F4Fs and Marlets. I total i think i shot down ~40 enemy fighters for lose of 8.

Then DD TF was attacked by Bombers from CVEs. First wave 30 fighters and 15 bombers. All planes shot down of forced to retreat. Second wave 15 unescorted DB. All shotdown.

In total day end with 29 F6F, 30 F4F and 30 bombers destroyed for lose of 20 own planes and 7 pilots.

For tomorrow I sending Criusers from Tarnate to tray to intercept DDs in Ambon hex.
It can only happens if Docup decide to bombard Ambon. I am not sure but i think bombardment mission is after naval movement phase, right?

- Lautem have 60 fighters but my sweeps today find empty air.[&:]
- I shot down 90 planes from CVE TF but intel still show over 130 planes. If intel is right there must be over 200 plane capacity so at lest 6 CVE
- Docup have over 1700 F6F in service and he still using F4Fs. He should have enough F6F and F4U to fill all carriers with them, at lest those he sending to combat.

PaxMondo -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/22/2014 10:58:38 AM)



- Docup have over 1700 F6F in service and he still using F4Fs. He should have enough F6F and F4U to fill all carriers with them, at lest those he sending to combat.

Depends upon his Op losses which FOW won't show you very well at all. If he isn't excersizing care with his planes, then his ops losses might be high ... some players lose +20% to ops losses.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 4:37:36 AM)

29 March 1944

Battle of Ambon

At night CA TF (4xCA, 4xDD) engage 6xDD(Fletchers)in Ambon. After series if night duels both sides retreat. We have add another wreck on bottom of sea. Sinking Fletcher DD can be only good. Two more Fletchers retreat with fires. Japanese side end without loses but two DDs will need return to Japan for repairs.

At day lot of air action.
Day start with sweeps over Ambon. 50 P-47, 40 Spitfires VIII, 50 F4U, they meet 250 N1K2, 50 Ki-84r and 30 Ki-45. After them over 100 B-24 come.
At end of day Allies lost 18 Spitfires, 12 P-47, 10 F4U and 25 B-24. Japan loses are higher 55 N1K2, 12 Ki-84, and 13 K-45. Plus i lost ~50 planes on ground. Ambon AF open and damage is minor. In port i lost AKE and AK is heavily burning.

Bombers from Biak find and attack amphibious TF unloading in dot base 6 hexes SW of Biak.
We sunk APA and bunch of Landing crafts sending on botom ~1500 allied solders. Two more APA and 3 AKA where damage. Some of them eat TT so they will need retret to South Oz for repairs.

KB is starting engines. Time to restore order in area

Mike McCreery -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 11:33:17 AM)





- Docup have over 1700 F6F in service and he still using F4Fs. He should have enough F6F and F4U to fill all carriers with them, at lest those he sending to combat.

Depends upon his Op losses which FOW won't show you very well at all. If he isn't excersizing care with his planes, then his ops losses might be high ... some players lose +20% to ops losses.

Also, since the Allies have such a lack of planes through the war sometimes it is useful to keep some squadrons equipped with older models to use up the airframes.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 11:37:34 AM)

I have nice excel file where i keep my track of what Docup have available at moment. Only major plane models. To keep track on loses i use Tracker, I found that this toll almost perfectly remove FoW from air loses in turn). Few times confirmed with Docup and difference was less that 2-3%

Tomorrow i will do month summary so i will show numbers.

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 2:09:45 PM)

This table show have many planes allies should have.

I count all reinforcements, replacements and planes that arrive with groups up to end of April 44 minus loses show by Tracer at current day. Remember we are still in march.


koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 4:44:36 PM)

30 March 1944

Just quick update.

- No bombers over Ambon. That is good. Tomorrow i will back there with fighters.
- Biak bombed and closed
- Sub near Ambon sunk AK carrying 78 N1K2s.[:(] Those where damaged planes i decide to evacuate from Ambon by sea after last turn. Now i know why i build so much of them.
- Fetchers visit Ambon, they sunk 3 midget subs.
- First A7M2 Sam factory repaired. Engine bonus will work so Aam will be available in March `45(with current research speed). I hope earlier, i have two more factories that have only one point left to repair. I expecting Sam enter production in Autumn 1944

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 8:09:05 PM)



30 March 1944

Just quick update.

- No bombers over Ambon. That is good. Tomorrow i will back there with fighters.
- Biak bombed and closed
- Sub near Ambon sunk AK carrying 78 N1K2s.[:(] Those where damaged planes i decide to evacuate from Ambon by sea after last turn. Now i know why i build so much of them.
- Fetchers visit Ambon, they sunk 3 midget subs.
- First A7M2 Sam factory repaired. Engine bonus will work so Aam will be available in March `45(with current research speed). I hope earlier, i have two more factories that have only one point left to repair. I expecting Sam enter production in Autumn 1944

Wait a minute. An AK can only carry one group. Are you saying you have a group of 78 planes? [&:]

Lowpe -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 8:44:12 PM)


KB is starting engines. Time to restore order in area

How long until they arrive?

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 9:34:31 PM)




KB is starting engines. Time to restore order in area

How long until they arrive?

I can be there in 48-96h. Depending if i use save or fast rout or flank or cruise speed,

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 9:48:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert



30 March 1944

Just quick update.

- No bombers over Ambon. That is good. Tomorrow i will back there with fighters.
- Biak bombed and closed
- Sub near Ambon sunk AK carrying 78 N1K2s.[:(] Those where damaged planes i decide to evacuate from Ambon by sea after last turn. Now i know why i build so much of them.
- Fetchers visit Ambon, they sunk 3 midget subs.
- First A7M2 Sam factory repaired. Engine bonus will work so Aam will be available in March `45(with current research speed). I hope earlier, i have two more factories that have only one point left to repair. I expecting Sam enter production in Autumn 1944

Wait a minute. An AK can only carry one group. Are you saying you have a group of 78 planes? [&:]

No. they have normal sizes. In this case it looks like that.
I have 4 N1K2 groups in Amboon. After battle i fly all active planes to Kendari so I end with 4 subunits with disabled planes in Ambon (parent units are in Kendari). Then i disable 3 of 4 subunits in Ambon all damaged planes go to that 4th unit) then i load all planes to AK.

Disabling those 3 subunits allow me to replace loses in Kendari for those three parent units because they have no subunits anymore)). And i end only with one group spited between Kendari and Ambon. Because today sub unit of that 4th group end in sea i am able to replace planes for parent unit.

As that 4th unit i chose unit with lowest morale. Plan was to move those damaged planes to Soerobaya and repair them there. After repair i will disable subunit and planes will back o pool. Parent unit will use that time to recover morale in Kendari

obvert -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 10:09:01 PM)

Ahhhh. I See!

Now of course that's tough, as it means almost 80 planes lost. But, no worries as long as there weren't 80 pilots lost too!

Lowpe -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 10:12:27 PM)



I can be there in 48-96h. Depending if i use save or fast rout or flank or cruise speed,

I have a ringside seat. [sm=00000613.gif]

koniu -> RE: Docup (A) vs Koniu (J) (5/23/2014 10:14:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: obvert

Ahhhh. I See!

Now of course that's tough, as it means almost 80 planes lost. But, no worries as long as there weren't 80 pilots lost too!

Before i load planes to ship I move all pilots from that subunit to pools. So don`t worry only planes lost pilots are save.

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