mbrasher1 -> Windows 7 and TOAW (9/21/2011 12:29:02 AM)
I just downloaded Norm Kroger's TOAW from the Matrix website. The game's page in the store says it is compatible with Windows 7 but when I d/l it I get a prompt that it is not the case. Is there a workaround or something?
Hanal -> RE: Windows 7 and TOAW (9/21/2011 12:45:55 AM)
I wish I can help but I have TOAW running on Win 7 without any problems.... [EDIT] you may need to run it in Administrator mode though so check that out by right clicking on the .exe icon and highlight "run as Administrator" from the pop up box...
sPzAbt653 -> RE: Windows 7 and TOAW (9/21/2011 8:22:56 AM)
I don't have W7 but there have been several threads here :