Erkki -> RE: Why won't my STF engage the KB??! (10/14/2011 3:31:35 PM)
ORIGINAL: mc3744 Got it. Thnaks [:)] But why use this system when the set destination seems to work just fine with the only exception of CV TFs? I used already many times the night interception, with reaction, and escape in the morning. It works just fine, you don't get much system damage from full speed, it calculates the fight distance on its own and in all the cases I tried it I was at least 4-5 hexes away in the morning. I used it vs. SAG, convoys, mixed TFs. It just doesn't work vs. CV TF. I don't see the advantage of the patrol unless you want to hang around [&:] Because you can have 1 "max speed to" waypoint, and 2 cruise speed waypoints which cannot be done without using patrol zones. Using patrol zones you can actually force the TF to retreat if it finds nothing or nothing to react to, and to do that retreat to the direction(and via the waypoint) you want it to. Also if the TF is set to "mission speed", it will use full speed until the first patrol point and then proceed to the next one at cruise speed(or full speed if it finds something to react to). Using just waypoints with the "retirement allowed" function wont allow you to order both full and cruise speed the same turn(except of course when and if the TF reacts). So, you can have 1 "max speed to" waypoint, for example from under friendly LRCAP to the Enemy, and then 2 cruise speed waypoints, one or both towards home. Some have mentioned here that the TFs also seem to react more often when set to use patrol zones. I dont know, I have about 6 4-ship ASW-TFs literally sitting over submarines and for days they haven't engaged the subs despite of them being spotted by aircraft multiple times a day. Dont know about surface-to-surface reaction and engagement.