British Infantry (Full Version)

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elmo3 -> British Infantry (10/10/2011 1:20:02 PM)

I have a question about British infantry. The Engineers cost more than the HW Inf unit yet their initiative and air defense are lower and all other stats are equal. So why would you ever build Engineers when HW Inf units are cheaper and have better stats?

Edit - I know Engineers are immune to rugged defense but that happens so infrequently it hardly seems worth the extra prestige.

IainMcNeil -> RE: British Infantry (10/10/2011 5:21:42 PM)

They also ignore fort bonuses.

terje439 -> RE: British Infantry (10/10/2011 7:23:33 PM)

Attack a heavily entrenched enemy, and you'll see where the extra prestiege goes [:)]


elmo3 -> RE: British Infantry (10/10/2011 8:12:42 PM)

I don't see that in the manual. Was that added after launch or am I just missing it?

Horseman78 -> RE: British Infantry (10/11/2011 10:51:11 AM)

I dont think it was in the manual....but Engineers also ifnore entrenchment levels and have a fort killing bonus

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