The Art of War (Full Version)

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Dixie -> The Art of War (10/14/2011 2:01:12 PM)

See what I did there. [;)] Don't pretend you weren't a little bit impressed [:-]

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, although I'm not running my website anymore I still have most of the art stuff I made. Some of it is looking a bit dated now, and some of it is shiny and new. The last week or so has seen a new project in the form of the Force Z ships.

They could do with a bit of a test-drive to double (or triple) check for any issues I may have missed with them, particularly with pink pixels showing on the combat screens, which is another reason for releasing these ones first. They are probably the ships most likely to show up on a turn 1 combat replay.

Dixie -> RE: The Art of War (10/14/2011 2:04:29 PM)

This is what's in the zip file:

PoW, Repulse and the E Class destroyer. PoW and Repulse in their camo schemes as sunk, the E Class is in grey until I can find a decent image of the camo pattern that any of them wore.
Jupiter isn't in there because the J Class shares the same art as the N Class DDs and there are more of those showing up.


SuluSea -> RE: The Art of War (10/14/2011 2:08:26 PM)

Good looking work Dixie!!! [:)]

chesmart -> RE: The Art of War (10/14/2011 2:51:06 PM)


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