Tejszd -> Meuse Mod Quesiton 2 - OVM with or without Trees? (10/18/2011 2:55:41 AM)
Meuse Mod Question 2 When you click on the Map Preview on the strat map or in Battle zoom out you see an OVM map image. Below is an OVM map image of a new map for the mod without trees (left) and with trees (right), which do you prefer? In the past this was very hard and time consuming to do so all CC retail releases have only had tree shadows on the OVM. But with Mafi's 5CC map editor for CC this is now possible. A big THANK YOU to Mafi for his development work on some great tools which allow things like this to be done!!! [image]local://upfiles/27099/630A3601203D41CE99C0FA99AE11CB1A.jpg[/image]