martok -> RE: So how is this game ? (2/5/2012 4:37:36 AM)
ORIGINAL: lion_of_judah I do have the latest patch and it is ok. haven't played this game in months until just this past weekend but i still do not have the expansions, just cannot see it being worth the money. To each his own. Personally, I find Supernova improves the original game so much that I honestly can't imagine playing without it now (and I know that's the case for lots of other folks as well), but obviously everyone's mileage will vary. Something to also consider is that you could probably pick up the expansion for pretty cheap on other sites. (Sorry Matrix, but your prices are more expensive!) I know GamersGate sells it for $9.95, for instance...and at that price, I really do feel you would find it to be worth the money. Just my two cents (no pun intended!).