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scimitar -> Other hobbies (10/29/2002 7:55:26 PM)

I think that thread was previuosly discussed, but perheaps it's time to "refresh" it; so:

Dear forumites, do you have other hobbies than computer gaming?

For myself, I've interrest for many topics; the most important (and actually "active") ones are, per order:

model making (aircrafts, especially Belgian Aéronautique Militaire from WWI to WW II and what is said "Luftwaffe 1946") and painting of Warhammer 40k armies

books (Just finished Asimov's "The end of Eternity" and actually reading the 2000 edition of French WWII pilot Clostermann "Le Grand Cirque")

boardgames (Warhammer 40k, Formula Dice, Blood Bowl,...)

photography (I plan to buy numeric material next year)

have also realised the family tree of my childrens. Very nice hobby, but consuming so many time that it's actually a "sleeping" hobby - will restart that when retired.

Curious to see what are your interrests...

U2 -> (10/29/2002 8:08:32 PM)


U2- I have like 90 CDs and seen them live four times.


*Especially 20th century

* WW2

* American history/politics

* Japan. Love that country and buy many books and travel there very often.

* News freak. Free history class every day!:)

* ANYTHING military related.


I build WW2 1/700 ships when I find the time which means not very often.

LOVE to party!:D


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/29/2002 9:06:31 PM)

Hmm saying I like making model tanks is probably a bit to obvious. But you have to understand I have a copy of every tank worth mention in 72nd as well as 35th scales.
Plus numerous ships and quite the armada of aircraft (mainly space eating 48th scale).

I like wargaming enough that I own every game worthy of the name "classic" in board gaming. If I don't own it, it sure wasn't main stream and popular.

I own just about every war movie worth watching (and a lot of films you might not be aware exist). I never worry if a war movie is in tv, if I want to watch it, I will, out of m collection eh.

I love military documentaries as well. I have more of them than war movies.

I like woodworking, and would have a business well established by now, but my disability makes it just a hobby and no more than a hobby (got a great bunch of tools though).
I faithfuly buy woodworking magazines though...Canadian Homeworkshop and Finewoodworking.

I love to chat on my computer (which I think is obvious from how many posts I put up hehe). My computer is a tool to chat with first and a game platform second regardless of how cool the games out there might seem to be.

I am something of a writer (I would not have a computer at all if I didn't need it to write on). I have dreams of writing the great novel. but not enough "need" economically to force my hand to write more dedicatedly.

I like anime. Yes the stuff most only know as Sailormoon and Pokemon.
Trust me the world of anime will make you never watch the crummy fare they offer as North American cartoons the same way ever again.
It's not all icky kid stuff, that's just all the censors will tolerate on North American fickle based morals programing (ok to have sex on tv if it is real people having sex, but heaven forbid cartoons should show any interest in the opposite sex.
Although I must say, even though it's a funny admission, but I actually do like Sailormoon heheh (and all the other icky sweet anime series).

I like the great outdoors, but I have next to no ability to enjoy it (amazing how useful a car can be in getting away from it all).

But more than anything else, I am obsessed with knowledge.
At my core I am my library of text books. I have been reading non fiction for so many years, sciences, geography, history, that I can ramble on for ever about just about anything.

sprior -> (10/29/2002 10:05:48 PM)

Apart from wargaming (both board and computer varities) - history. Particularly British and European history (but then I am a Brit).

Also anything to do with the Royal Navy. I spent 16 years in the RN and still love it. In fact I played my first wargame against another person in the IFF office of HMS Galatea in 1980.

Cricket is something else I really enjoy and have actually found a cricket league here in Chicago to go and watch occasionally - they're far too good to ever let me play though!

I have books on many subjects, if I see or hear something that interests me then I always try to find a book to follow up with. Reading fiction is getting less and less attractive these days but I always looki forward to a new Discworld book coming out. Bond, Clancy et al seem to have fallen into a rut and are just plain boring now... Anyone here read Molesworth??????

I am also a committed christian (although not very good at it it has to be said) and helping with our church and related activities takes up a lot of my spare time too.

All of the above classifies me (according to my wife) as a geek, but I don't care. If laughing at Monty Python, Red Dwarf, Brilliant! and Life with Jim and enjoying Star Strek qualifies me as such then it is a badge I wear with pride.

Raverdave -> (10/29/2002 10:47:32 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by sprior

Cricket is something else I really enjoy and have actually found a cricket league here in Chicago to go and watch occasionally - they're far too good to ever let me play though!


There is NOTHING worse than being in the states during cricket season.................you might as well be on the moon. And so I find it interesting that there is a cricket league in the windy city.....do they play test or one day matches?

Jim1954 -> (10/29/2002 11:10:59 PM)

Well, there is modeling, the kind you build, not pose for. Does lounging by the pool and hot tub, drinking beer in the summer count?

I used to have a bass boat, but that went the way of all holes in the water that you throw money into. I still enjoy fishing but on a reduced scale.

I actually attempt, about once a year just to keep myself humble, golf.

I am an avid reader, especially things pertaining to history. Most specifically WW2 history.

Play guitar and have mis-guided dreams about being a juke box hero, boy that's a reach. Found a website for guitar tabs the other day that's pretty cool and free, [url]www.guitartabs.com.[/url] Guitar tabs btw (if you don't know) are for the musically inclined but never learned to read music types. That being me.

Watching hockey and a little football.


sprior -> (10/30/2002 12:23:10 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Raverdave

There is NOTHING worse than being in the states during cricket season.................you might as well be on the moon. And so I find it interesting that there is a cricket league in the windy city.....do they play test or one day matches? [/B][/QUOTE]

Actually there's cricket all over the place here - you just have to look for it! Go here: http://www.usaca.org/ for cricket in the US.

And - hurrah for the internet - we can, occasionally, listen to Test Match Special on Radio4. I'm hoping we can catch the ashes on that as the games start around 6pm Central Time.

The games here are limited overs - 40 a side seems to be the norm.

Voriax -> (10/30/2002 2:17:40 AM)

Black powder cannons. Have 3 now and I plan to get 2-3 more during the winter.
Secretary and a founding member of the local military history association ( in Lappeenranta, Finland)

Shooting. With the cannons and with other weapons..though I have a preference towards black powder guns ;)

Reading, science fiction and fantasy. Btw Warhorse, what about my booklist????? Also other topics..newest purchase is 'The illustrated history of Tanks of the world' :)

Also boardgames, Battletech especially. Weekly gaming sessions. Am a member in a gaming club that has about 30 members and quite a few board games of all sorts.

Those are the more active ones.


AbsntMndedProf -> (10/30/2002 5:40:45 AM)

I used to build models, but when you factor in the glue, paint, along with the high price of the models themselves these days, I can't afford it right now. (I hope to be able to get back into it some day.)

Eric Maietta

Ross Moorhouse -> (10/30/2002 8:10:22 AM)

My hobbies are my Yamaha XV1100 Virago and sidecar and also trying to restore a 1953 Matchless 350cc motorcycle. Which I am not getting much done on. I just watch the oil leaking from the engine into a drip tray. Thats what old Brit bikes are about.

I also build plastic kits ..


Brigz -> (10/30/2002 8:13:26 AM)

Like most here, I guess wargaming would be at the top of my hobby list. But I actually have more fun and spend more time altering my computer wargames and altering and making new battles for John Tiller's games. No one seems to be able to make a wargame with graphics I really like, so, I change them to fit my personal tastes.
I also like to read history, SciFi, and some political stuff. I collect classic Science Fiction movies. By classic I mean anything and everything pre Star Wars, especially stuff from the 40's and 50's and early 60's.
And then there is music, a love/hate relationship for me. I must admit that I don't follow music as close as I used to, but I try to keep up with what's current. I like most rock music, can tolerate rap and heavy metal for a little while, love jazz and classical. Steely Dan is my favorite. And lastly, I play the drums. I'd really like to start playing again but it's a lot of effort. And the older I get, the less effort I have.

scimitar -> (10/30/2002 12:43:02 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ross Moorhouse
[B]I also build plastic kits ..

http://www.militarygameronline.com/CloseCombatFuture/ross'smodels/main.htm [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes Ross, I think we met on the forum of Theaerodrome...:)

Ross Moorhouse -> (10/30/2002 1:41:51 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by scimitar

Yes Ross, I think we met on the forum of Theaerodrome...:) [/B][/QUOTE]

The Belgain E.V ... :D


ananias -> (10/30/2002 3:39:41 PM)

Voluntary Firefighting- lots of fun. Even a bit dangerous sometimes, which only adds to the fun. And you can´t beat the stories the older guys there have. "I remember back in 1956, when we didn´t have any fancy stuff, such as water..." it´s also a kind of a "from-father-to-son"-hobby. My grandfather was a firefighter, as was his father, my father is a firefighter, and both of my brothers are take part, too.

History- all sorts of, but mostly feudal Europe & Japan and WW2.

Comics- all sorts of, but mostly manga. It´s amazing how much money you can throw away by starting to collect comics.

Movies- again, all sorts of. :)

Books- fantasy, war, historical, scifi.

screamer -> (10/30/2002 4:05:28 PM)

playing Bassguitar in my band, fotography, warhammer fantasy.
Nowadays i read alot, SF and history.
and above all ....MUSIC.......

AbsntMndedProf -> (10/30/2002 7:56:24 PM)

Les the Sarge posted:

"Hmm saying I like making model tanks is probably a bit to obvious. But you have to understand I have a copy of every tank worth mention in 72nd as well as 35th scales.
Plus numerous ships and quite the armada of aircraft (mainly space eating 48th scale)."

How about posting some pics of your creations? Perhaps it would get me back into model building faster. :D

Eric Maietta

Ross Moorhouse -> (10/30/2002 8:13:50 PM)

Seeing as we want some pics around here. Well here goes.. Not tanks but..



As seen on my scale model site. :D

[IMG]http://www.militarygameronline.com/CloseCombatFuture/ross'smodels/EduardDRI.gif[/IMG] This is the box art work.

Its by Eduard and its in 1/72nd scale. Eduard are the Tamyia of Eastern Europe.

AbsntMndedProf -> (10/30/2002 8:16:32 PM)

Very cool Ross!

Eric Maietta

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 8:41:20 PM)

The only trouble with models, is the size makes them contemptibly hard to photograph with anything less than a hi end camera and a good zoom lense (which I don't own).

But back a few years back, my buddy Paul discovered cameras. So we took some shots of some items at the time. Alas he discovered women and sold his camera gear for wedding rings (oh well at least his wife is good looking heheh).

Here is my best pic ever, not a tank though, but a nice image I think.
Tamiya officers set of a Vietnam era US military setting. They appear with some of the vehicles as well. We used a filter for a dusty effect. It was on a rather crude diorama that had an M113 and a 2 1/2 ton truck on it as well.

Ross Moorhouse -> (10/30/2002 8:44:31 PM)

Les, I remember this set from Tamyia. Came with either the Command M577 (if i got that right ?) and also came boxed by themselves.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 8:45:07 PM)

Same dio with a guy on the track.

oops missed pic

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 8:46:18 PM)

Same dio man on track (I hope this time)

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 8:46:57 PM)

Same dio, radioman in back of the truck

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 8:51:19 PM)

The untold story heheh I have a couple of guys (from the armoured infantry set) on back of track (not in pics though), one is offering cigarettes to the other guy.

I had thought to give it the Vietnam feel and it was supposedly dope. Later a friend that knew the difference, said Leslie marijauna joints are NOT that big.

I had no idea what a joint looked like heheh.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 8:54:34 PM)

Yep Ross, and I have hmm I think 4 sets of the figures and two of the M577 vehicles too.

Actually in Steel Panthers terms I likely have 1000 points worth of elite military miniatures figures :)

I could field quite the miniatures battle with them.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (10/30/2002 9:04:17 PM)

There is a lesson to be learned here people.

Don't do drugs, or smoke anything for that matter, don't drink unless it is offered to you free from a buddy, avoid owning a car (and a license and insurance and gas costs and repairs), and get married so you don't spend a fortune on dating.......

...... and you can own hundreds of models hundreds of military videos, hundreds of expensive books, scores of expensive wargames (including everything ever made for ASL) a nice computer with a hi speed connection, lots of power tools, all kinds of silly hobbies like expensive anime, pound after pound of chocolate, and generally enjoy all the hobbies you want heheh.

Contrary to popular belief, cars are not always vital, and well yes wives have a tendency to produce children, that can become interesting ways of using money.
But hmmm 200.00 on a weekend to maybe get lucky for a few hours, or just assume you only get to keep enough money to indulge your hobbies, and enjoy your wife as often as she allows it (can't speak for you guys, but my wife is veeeeeeery generous hehe). And kids if done right, are the most rewarding hobby out there.

U2 -> (10/30/2002 9:38:10 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1
[B]There is a lesson to be learned here people.

avoid owning a car (and a license and insurance and gas costs and repairs), and get married so you don't spend a fortune on dating.......



This is already a part of my masterplan:D Once out of Uni....


Jacc -> My ins4n3 sk1LLz (10/30/2002 10:40:34 PM)

Birds - birdwatching, I mean. That's my lifeblood and nawadays practically the only thing I do on the daytime. And you can add interest on ecology, zoology, etology and practically everything handling nature and biology into that. I can swear I'm the only one here.
Partying, of course.
Movies - especially war movies.
Books and history, of course... This seems a bit unsurprising around here. Some interest on daily world politcs also.
And finally the second most important: Music. I play piano and keyboard in my band(s), listen to practically everything and also make something of my own.
I used to model, but skipped that. Also, I rode horser for a long period, but quitted some time ago. Here in Finland it's quite girlie thing to do, but all the really good riders are men. :D

scimitar -> (10/31/2002 1:04:21 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ross Moorhouse

The Belgain E.V ... :D

[IMG]http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/Attachments/0041-53.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/QUOTE]

Exactly! ;)

scimitar -> (10/31/2002 1:16:25 AM)

What do you think about that one?

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