poop17 -> RE: Sir,what's different between SPWaW and winSPWW2? (11/1/2011 7:57:13 AM)
I answer myself.I google it. The difference between the two games is located on several issues: 1. SPWW2 uses more complicated formulas for gameplay, while SPWAW tends to have a more Arcade-type of game mechanism. 2. Artillery (0,1 delay) in SPWW2 hits at the end of the next AI turn, while the same delay (0,1) in SPWAW hits at the end of the actual turn. In other words, you may use the arty in SPWAW like an arcade element. 3. Opportunity fire in SPWAW is limited by two random defenders, while in SPWW2 the OP fire is provided by every available defender. In both modes there may be applied GAMEY tactics. 4. Finally, IMO the WinSPWW2 will be the best version among all existing SP versions (due to the extensive code upgrades that D. G. and A. G. are doing in the game engine).