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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Steel Panthers World At War & Mega Campaigns


Tamas -> Aarrgh! (1/8/2001 1:00:00 AM)

One of my friend, who had unrestricted Internet connection with a cable modem for a week, downloaded SPWAW for me. And it doesn't work!! There is an error in the middle of the install process (a CRC one). [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img] I am not able to download it again. I am wondering, is there any comp. magazine wich released this game? It is terrible that I can't play SPWAW!

Ian Coyle -> (1/8/2001 2:39:00 AM)

Yes there is. Its PC Strategy Games January 2001 edition which is just out. Magazine gives you vers 4.0 plus several upgrade patches (4.1 -4.3?) URL for magazine is www.pcstrategygames.com Oh and the mag cosst £4.99....great value for the game!!!

Wild Bill -> (1/8/2001 4:15:00 AM)

Great news! WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Tamas -> (1/8/2001 2:41:00 PM)

Great news indeed, thank you Ian!

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