Wicky -> on escorts and ship roles (11/8/2011 11:13:00 AM)
In the ship design screen, where you can select a "ship role" (in the upper left corner) you get to choose from freighters, passengers, starbase etc. but... When selecting from escorts, frigates, destroyers, cruisers and capships, let's talk what does it do. Right now, all of them have the same role of a "military ship". The AI autodesigns them from size small to huge, but that's not a binding argument, ie my escorts usually have size 1500 by the end of the game. Granted, it's nice to know that a frigate is actually smaller than a cruiser, but please consider that other than this, the AI uses all these ships for the same tasks. Like for example, cap-ships are sent on on escort missions (lol), enemy starbases are attacked with escorts (omg), and I've once even seen a cruiser patrolling my already well defended large spaceport (arghh) Hope that anyone can understand even one word what I'm talking about. It's 5 ship-types, which are basically the same ship, only 5 different names. Could we have this idea I've worked out: Escorts, who only escort for example gasminers, colonizers... Patrol ships who only guard mining stations, undefended planets etc... Raiders who only attack enemy mining stations and freighters. ...It would be nice if we could design a ship blueprint for a certain task in mind. 1) Because a Patrol-Ship does not need much fuel tanks, and not much speed either since it only sits there in owned systems, defending. 2) Because an Escort-Ship needs more agility than others to catch up with the ship they are escorting. And lots of fueltanks, and solar collectors, since it will fly very far and has to wait there until the work of their protected one is finished. 3) because ships designed for attacking huge spaceports just won't do with 200 shields. I always get angry when the AI packs tiny ships into a fleet to see them all explode in the first area weapon. Please, can we have military ship roles that only do what they were designed for? And so we can actually control what the AI does with the military ships. Thanks for reading and sorry for long post, Greets Wicky