RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (Full Version)

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DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 10:49:14 AM)

Nice advice there, thank you all. I'm learning a lot already and we haven't really begun properly yet. [:D]

Episode 2: Spice Trade

Watch the video.

Three long years have passed and we, your humble servants, are happy to report to you, the Leentaar Council of Elders, that many of your objectives have been actioned. But unfortunately not all of them yet. And we have some surprisingly good news but I'll leave that to the report to explain.

We have now found other empires and it is our belief that peaceful co-habitation is a very real possibility.

Our fuel crisis still exists but some freighters are getting through to Leentaar 1, our home world.

Your esteemed advice and direction is requested once again:

1. To whom do we open the spice trade? Potential enemy, or potential friend?

2. Is our Ambassador, Janasia Okkoros, best served working with our new friends, the Zenox? Or would she be best used elsewhere?

3. Our Intelligence Agent, Kevian Zoberia, is currently employed at home. Should she be given field assignments?

4. Our Colony Governors are currently employed on our large worlds. Is this the best place for them?

If you want other items to be considered, please add them to our agenda.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 4:13:02 PM)

OK. Video uploaded. (I fell a sleep).

Seraphim_slith -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 4:15:24 PM)

Having seen the latest report presented before the Council I find it quite obvious that the Boskarans are a threat to our very way of life and should be considered an enemy, trading our most important resource to them is out of the question and our agents should remain at home protecting us from any Boskaran infiltrators.

Instead we should focus on bringing our friends even closer, giving them access to our spice will ensure lucrative trade treaties and if Janasia can arrange a Mutual Defense treaty as well with the Zenox then good, if not perhaps she'd be better placed with our natural allies the Shandar for now.

As to the Governors, it would be easier if the report had included what their strengths and weakness were, but if they increase our happiness our income without obvious drawbacks they are well placed as it is.

Nice trick with the zooming by the way.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 5:07:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Seraphim
As to the Governors, it would be easier if the report had included what their strengths and weakness were, but if they increase our happiness our income without obvious drawbacks they are well placed as it is.

Amendment to the report...
The Governors details are:

Colony Governor Peet Obarria: on Leentaar 1: Pacifist: Colony income +6%; Troop recruit -10%; Military ship construction -10%; Colony happiness +10%

Colony Governor Peet Ikkuros: on Secura 4: Skills and traits as yet unknown.

Seraphim_slith -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 5:23:07 PM)

Reviewing this amendment perhaps we should consider swapping places on those two governors, I'd assume we are using Leentaar 1 as our primary construction facility and with the resource shortages becoming less of a concern a strong navy to ensure peace would not be amiss.

Erik Rutins -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 5:42:03 PM)

Esteemed Elders, viewing the recent information from our colleagues, I would recommend the following course of action.

Our relations with the Zenox are going well and we should continue to build that relationship, showing them the wonders of Securan friendship to reinforce the path of galactic harmony. They are more skilled in the ways of war than we are and have mastered shield technologies that are beyond our understanding. I believe our goal should be to expand our trade with them and convince them that our security is their interest as well. Let us keep our Ambassador with the Zenox and send them gifts and encouragements to form a Mutual Defense Pact. This will increase our trade, further alleviate our resource shortages and give us a powerful ally in a possible conflict with the Boskarans.

We should trade our Spice with the Zenox to further this relationship, but as there is not a great deal of Spice as yet, we should not yet share it with others until the Zenox are our full allies. Seeking refueling and mining rights with the Zenox as early as possible would also help our trade.

The Shandar are natural friends and we should try to increase our relationship with them through gifts and trade while we complete our alliance with the Zenox. Once we have both the Shandar and Zenox as full allies, the somewhat less peaceful Ugnari who are closest to the Boskara may look on joining our alliance more favorably.

We should build a Space Port to protect the Spice and help us transfer it to freighters more quickly.

The Pirates are an easily bought mercenary force for us. Until we are more directly threatened, continued alliances with the pirates should keep our expanding mining bases and colonies safe. We should eventually build a fleet as well, but only once we have used our limited resources to build enough mining stations and space ports to support it.

If one of our governors proves adept at increasing our rate of reproduction, she should be sent to the Spice colony. Otherwise, we should keep them at our more established colonies where they will likely have a greater effect.

I must express disappointment that our path to Fusion has not been more vigorously pursued. [;)] I would recommend the construction of the largest Energy Research Base possible, with extra labs if our construction technology allows and at the most advantageous location. That should allow us to use the much more plentiful Hydrogen as a fuel sooner.

We should also build a High Tech Research Base as soon as possible so that we can research better facilities for our trade, happiness, harmony and health care.

I would not bother researching those Weapons much at all. If we have need of them, we can trade for them with the Zenox or Ugnari.

Grisha -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 6:09:39 PM)

Esteemed Elders,
I am newly promoted to this august circle of advisors, so I will keep my comments brief. Maybe in time I will attempt to match my more experienced and senior colleagues with a greater flow of words, but for now conciseness will have to do.

I am in agreement that any trade with the Boskarans would be a serious error in judgement. They are a corrosive species who only delight in cruelty and conquest. The Zenox, on the other hand, are vital to our wellbeing and we should take every effort to nurturing this relationship as much as possible. Give them the Spice. The Shandars might be given the Spice, but in time. For now, the Zenox must take precedence.

Also, I have nothing but good words for Governor Obarria, but she is not the best leader when it comes to handling the more unpleasant aspects of government. It would be better for all if Obarria were reassigned to a colony that wasn't so important for our military. In fact, I've no doubt the Governor could do good things on Kobbaria until we have someone more qualified for such an important post.

Finally, I am in agreement that we should strive to find the means to free our people from this dependence on Caslon. It may be a long preparation but the benefits would be twofold: dependence on a much more plentiful fuel and a more advanced engine. Perhaps we may even secure the aid of our Zenox allies should our ambassador inform them our interest in that technology. We are certainly not lacking in funds at the moment.

Happiness and health to all, my friends.

Nedrear -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 7:41:55 PM)

Hara Lemuno

"You know me, I am one of the first to abandon comfort for security and am willing to greet the boskarians with fire. Still I think we either open the spice trade to everyone and become a neutral trading power or at least send our envoy to the boskarians and tell them why we don't do it. Let it be said, that we will trade it with them, when they stop to enslave other people. I guess that meets approval? *glares through the council meeting*"

WoodMan -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 7:45:43 PM)

Excellent videos, just watching the second one now [8D]

Big question for you!  I see you have the windows cursor when you are playing and not the DW cursors.  Since original DW until now my cursor is buggy switching between DW and windows cursors constantly, how did you disable the DW cursor and just get the windows cursor?  That would help me a lot, I really would like to just use the windows cursors instead of the constant swtiching between the two styles.

Erik Rutins -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 8:07:47 PM)

Hi Woodman,

Can you post that in the tech support forum please?


- Erik

WoodMan -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 8:25:04 PM)

Done [:)]

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 9:34:47 PM)

My apologies to all regarding the length of that last video. I thought it was only about 10 minutes long! Before I started I was hoping to keep each to around 10 minutes and was going to go through fairly quickly. Please let me know if you think anything should be added or removed. Eg. In the next video I will need to design the ships. This will take around 5 minutes if I video it or I can just give a summary afterwards. I'll most likely opt for summaries after the fact I guess to keep the time down.

I've amended the OP to better explain the process now that we have the benefit of a little hind sight.

I can't tell you how much I'm learning and enjoying as we go with this. [:)] So much of the advice is things I would never have considered. Thanks everyone. It's like having a private tutorial.

I'll be trying to process these a little quicker for the coming days but then I'll be more time-poor after that.

PS. I'll be using italics like this for non-game comments. Perhaps we could try to make this a 'standard'. I'll re-edit my previous posts accordingly.

@Woodman, sorry but I don't remember ever setting anything up with the cursor.

feelotraveller -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/24/2011 11:46:54 PM)

Your high happinesses,

It has come to my attention that some members of the council may be suffering indigestion. To remedy this problem you are all invited to dine with me tonight. A veritable feast will be prepared by Dawe, my latest house husband. For entertainment we shall view the premier performance of an ancient play by Uill Thaikefear, a monkey poet of some reknown, recently recovered from the Zenox archives on Cheer. Fun will be had!

It is my belief that the spice, like good food, should be shared with as many as possible but it is clear that exception should be made for the stinky Boskaran. Their presence will foul the gathering.

I think it would be remiss of us to return Janasia from Cheer while the work on the theatrical archive is incomplete. I have also heard whisper of a close relation with a certain high ranking furry rodent which should not go unremarked. This may prove useful for us in the long run.

Obarria is indeed a fine woman but her distaste for the arts of war is well known. I think currently she is well placed in our capital. I shiver to think of the impoverished city we would live in if we had not a govenor. We should however not hesistate to replace her should a suitable candidate become available particularly as the time for building up our trade defense network approaches. Her talents could be usefully employed at any of the other large centers of our empire.

Fishers of Men -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 12:46:48 AM)

I have been sitting here listening to the advice of my good colleagues and like very much their wisdom. I have a question for you all. Is it true that the more we give our spice away, the less we have for ourselves? Maybe we should keep it just for our special friends and not everyone. This is one advantage that is too special and should be used with caution.

Another future idea to help us with our fuel problems is, when Hydrogen reactors are a reality, is to design our military ships with them and to design the civilian ships with the older Caslon reactors. This might even out our fuel usage a bit and not burn all of one type in our fleets. We might not have to depend on the purchase of foreign fuels.

I will now excuse myself to the contemplation room for more meditation.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 2:35:57 AM)

And from the newly settled Haarkonish world comes this advice to be put before the Council:

(From Jokefinder21308 comments on YouTube)

Re: Mining Stations:

New mining station designs that include weapons,armor,shields.extra mining extractors,And finally more cargo holds. With the new designs you don't have to waste resources protecting the stations from enemies and you can increase the mining productivity by 2-3 maybe 4 times as much as normal. You can also do this to your regular space stations to.

Refit your research stations for more productivity and build more of them to speed up the research.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 2:41:45 AM)

Beta patch has been made so the official patch probably won't be too far behind. I'll keep going with this as long as possible but I don't know if the save-games will be compatible. I guess if they aren't I'll wrap this one up soon after the official patch is released.

Nedrear -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 2:58:46 AM)

Isn't Jokefinders advice the same my council character gave in decision 1?

feelotraveller -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 3:04:23 AM)

One of the downsides of video presentation for collaboration is its transient nature. For example after watching the video I think about the spice trading situation. Hm, who to have as friends, Shandar - yes, Zenox - yes, Boskaran - no, Ugnari - maybe. Perhaps their form of government (or whatever) will impact my decision. Now there was a screen shown briefly somewhere in one of the videos... could I be bothered searching, or asking for Das to fill me in? Probably not.

Anyway, great work, keep it up. [:)]

Erik Rutins -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 3:41:58 AM)


Beta patch has been made so the official patch probably won't be too far behind. I'll keep going with this as long as possible but I don't know if the save-games will be compatible. I guess if they aren't I'll wrap this one up soon after the official patch is released.

Saved games should be compatible, we are trying to avoid breaking saved games.


- Erik

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 5:57:33 AM)

Good to hear regarding the save-games. :)

Next video processing. Will be a few hours I'm afraid.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 9:54:40 AM)

Episode 3: Trade and Treaties

Watch the video.

A difficult 6 year period where re-establishing the supply network proves to be problematic to say the least. New races are met. New friends (and enemies) are made.

Issues requiring your consideration are:

1. The violent space storms around Shandar are destroying our freighters. Is there an answer?

2. We can now build up to 400 tonnes. Should we start a Cruiser fleet? If so, what sort of design?

3. Our friends the Ugnari Consortium are struggling against the newly discovered Dhayut Hegemony. Should we lend assistance? If so, in what capacity?

4. We have found an abandoned mining station in deep space called the Tefnyl Mining Base. Should we keep it active or destroy it?

5. Are our agents and representatives in the right position now? Particularly our espionage agent. Should she actively enter the field?

Once again, the floor is open for other suggestions not listed.

Seraphim_slith -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 10:15:25 AM)

As much as I dislike the thought of leaving anyone to the mercy of the oppressive Dhayut Hegemony I do not see how we would be able to actively save their homeworld, especially since not even their own cousins the Zenox seem inclined to intervene. But perhaps it is indeed time to have our agent Zoberia go outside our own realm and see if she can discover the extent of the Boskar and Dhayut empire to better plan our possible response. (steal territory map)

And while on that topic with the additional technologies coming in from our trading partners and increasing hostilities to the south expanding and upgrading our fleet with the latest designs should be a priority, with sufficient strength we might even be able to save the Ugnari empire from extinction in the future. (Not sure what the Securan default design is but seems highly shielded vessels with missiles and, if we have access to them, long-range lasers should be suited for our race)

As to the fate of the lone mining station it seems to far away from our core systems and not providing anything valuable enough to warrant keeping it in place.

Nedrear -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 2:55:50 PM)

Hara Lemuno

"The galacic storms are a bad situation, but they should be a minor problem if left guarded. I would suggest keeping a shandar frighter fleet, provided with good shields and less speed. As long as they don't run out of fuel the storm will just tickle our superior shields. If necessary it means researching new shields with higher charge rates.
If you wish to proceed against the Black Despots I would prefer a greater ship class with superior firepower and decent shields and armor. That includes the urge to sour our relationship with intelligence missions to spy potential targets. We might want to test the new primary fleet after we get them on a pirate base. I thought we might target the treacherous Dayhut pirates which love to see us struggle without fuel to engage in a forced alliance. I think that would be sufficient to prove who is allowed to break treaties and who isn't.
Regarding the mine... it is nothing we can't produce in close space and it will drain over eager frighters from priority missions and fuel. Get rid of it... for all I care give it away for free!"

ASHBERY76 -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 3:03:45 PM)

That Shander issue with planet placement near a storm seems like a bug in respect that the A.I is not aware of its danger.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 10:02:51 PM)

This from the YouTube comments. [:)]

Honored members of the Leentaar Harmony Council

I am wrighting to You on behalf of Harkonish Trade Consorcium, wich is the biggest corporation in entire Utopian Paradise. We are very upset to report that over 63% of our frighters send on a trading mission to Shandar did not reported back due to space storms. I would like to propose lifting of civilian shield limitation, so they can witstand trawel through hostile enviroment.

Yours faithfully

Haron Nash

Harkonish Trade Consorcium CEO

Grisha -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 10:06:19 PM)

From Grisha Sargos:

Health and Happiness, my esteemed Elders!

Many issues before this august council that need to be addressed. To be sure we are seeing better times, but as always there are responsibilities to be answered if we are to maintain such a favorable environment. Just like a bruise on succulent fruit, we must be ready to cut out that which is tainted to truly enjoy the fruits of our efforts and desires. Our wise leader places the following questions before us:

The violent space storms around Shandar are destroying our freighters. Is there an answer?

We are a free peoples and should our citizens endeavor to undertake such a dangerous road, then let them be the deciders of their fate. Perhaps they feel the risk is worth the prize. What we can do is provide better ship designs with greater shielding and armor, or considerable damage control equipment. Something to give them a chance in the violent region that surrounds Shandar. Besides, we are a peaceful people who nonetheless live in a volatile galaxy. More robust freighters may be a wise idea in general.

We can now build up to 400 tonnes. Should we start a Cruiser fleet? If so, what sort of design?

I am no student of the military arts, but if we are to maintain all that we have we must be prepared to defend it from the corrosive likes of the Boskarans and Dhayut. I suggest our designs be made to be built as quickly as possible. This means reducing the necessity of rarer materials and overall number of different components. Barring that, it might be more prudent to design warships with greater standoff capabilities, which I am told means missiles, thrusters and maneuvering. I have heard of this Ion Weapon and its effect on enemy vessels to fight or maneuver, and perhaps that would also be a choice to consider. In any case, there are others much more knowledgeable on this subject.

Our friends the Ugnari Consortium are struggling against the newly discovered Dhayut Hegemony. Should we lend assistance? If so, in what capacity?

As stated above, we are not a warfaring peoples. We are also not cowards and we value our friendships. We should try to offer them some means of support. Perhaps it is time we tested out intelligence corps with the likes of the Dhayut? I've no doubt we will be seeing them very soon as it is. It may be time we started learning how to receive their arrival. The Ugnari might be on their last breath, so it might be better to assure them that they will never be forgotten and that we shall take every effort to make certain the Dhayut and Boskaran taint are. In fact, I pose this to my colleagues: should we prepare for war with that Ilk now? That day is coming, my dear friends. We are strong now, and vibrant. Perhaps now is the time to build the fleets and the soldiers?

We have found an abandoned mining station in deep space called the Tefnyl Mining Base. Should we keep it active or destroy it?

This may sound cruel, but I say leave it as an outpost against the Boskarans and Dhayut. It is placed on the flank of the Shandars, and so will alert us should the Tainted Ones come from that quarter. If there is need, the station can quickly be decommissioned.

Are our agents and representatives in the right position now? Particularly our espionage agent. Should she actively enter the field?

I suggest two things: send both an ambassador and intelligence operative to the Dhayut. That way if our operations fail the backlash can be delayed through diplomacy.

The time is coming, dearest friends. A time to repel that which corrodes our beautiful galaxy. We are not warriors, but maybe we can learn from our more warlike brethren within the galaxy, and prepare. Not for war, but to cleanse our galaxy of the bruise that is Dhayut and Boskaran.

rtrapasso -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/25/2011 10:50:31 PM)


3. Our friends the Ugnari Consortium are struggling against the newly discovered Dhayut Hegemony. Should we lend assistance? If so, in what capacity?

4. We have found an abandoned mining station in deep space called the Tefnyl Mining Base. Should we keep it active or destroy it?

5. Are our agents and representatives in the right position now? Particularly our espionage agent. Should she actively enter the field?

Not having access to the relative technologies at my fingertips, you might look at the relative technical strengths of the Ugnari vs. the Dhayut. Perhaps by gifting the Ugnari some technology (and not trading critical technology with the Dhayut) you might be able to tip the relative balance of power. The Ungnari seem to be a critical buffer on the flank and should be supported if possible.

Keep the mining station as an outpost unless it is hugely expensive.

Send your agent either against the insect race you say is a threat, or to the Dhayut in order to help the Ugnari in their struggle. Since no one seems to be spying on you, the spy is currently wasting her talents.

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/26/2011 12:10:40 AM)

Uploading next episode now.

Sorry rtrapasso I'd already finished before reading the comments.

This one is a little shorter at under 20 minutes. [:)]

Erik Rutins -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/26/2011 1:18:05 AM)

Just caught up with the previous episode, excellent as always Das123!

I'll wait for the next one before chiming in with advice again. A few comments and questions though:

Those galactic storms on a major trade route can be rough. One way around it is to build a space port in deep space that provides a route for your ships and their ships around the worst of it, if possible. If their system is right in the middle, then there's not much choice. How many ships are you losing there? I assume most are getting through, but a few are being destroyed?

Looks like that one pirate went a bit "rogue". That can happen even when they are allied with you, but it is fortunately rare. The remarkably large pirate fleets are partly a function of our alliance with them. It's a good way for us to deal with them, but giving them more money makes them more powerful in the long run. We can worry about that when we get to that point.

Good job with the hydrogen research and the trading.


- Erik

DasTactic -> RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR (11/26/2011 1:42:24 AM)

Episode 4: Fleet Exercises

Watch the video.

Report to the Leentaar High Council:

Shielding has been placed on freighters and now all construction and design of ships will be handled centrally. Hopefully this will help with the trade with the Shandar.

Good news. We have met a friendly republic called the Kiadian Empire and have formed a Mutual Defence Pact with them. We also have a Mutual Defence Pact with our Human friends.

Our first fleet is being battle tested against pirates and initial reports are favourable. Sometimes keeping the peace requires a heavy hand.

Agents have intercepted key transcripts from the Dhayuts and we now have plans on fleet dispositions and troop movements.

The points for discussion centre mainly around how we handle the Dhayuts and their aggression toward our friends and neighbours.

1. Should we start liberating some of the planets and peoples under the subjugation of the Dhayuts?

2. Should we take a firmer hand to enforce the peace in space? If so what approach should we take? Police our friends systems with fleets? Take control of the logistics of our enemies?

3. Are we ready intelligence-wise to spread out wings yet? Do we need to have an agent in deep cover first so we can plot all Dhayut movements?

4. Korrabian spice is being mined but not distributed. A small space port has been constructed on the spice moon but the spice trade is not functioning. We bow to your esteemed advice in this matter.

5. Boscaran migrants have been settling on our planets. Do we keep our 'open door' policy in place? If not, how should we handle this to best keep galactic peace and harmony.

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