SLAAKMAN -> RE: What program/film/documentary are you watching now? (7/26/2013 3:02:49 PM)
warspite1 SLAAK listen bro, I've been to Egypt, I've been inside one of the Pyramids at Giza, and there was none of that there. That black bit at the top? It isn't black, its Limestone and I certainly didn't see any Freemasons..saw a lot of camels though. Silly Imhotep-Warspite1-Newblette, I dont believe you. I think youre trying to hoodwink me. You didnt go into that Egyptian pyramid. You came out of that Egyptian pyramid and you just dont want to hurt our feelings by admitting such. Thats very quaint of you to cover for the Illuminati. [:'(] Dawn Of The Mummy (1981)