Ranger33 -> RE: What program/film/documentary are you watching now? (8/17/2016 4:37:28 AM)
After putting it off forever, I finally watched Firefly to see what all the hype was about. It was definitely enjoyable, and now I know the source of several pop culture references I had been hearing for years. It's too bad that it doesn't end with any kind of conclusion, not even a cliff-hanger, just a regular episode that advances the overall story a bit. The series does show it's age (made it 2003!), and obviously had a shoe-string budget, but that just adds to the charm. How can you not like a show where people dressed as WW2 soldiers, cowboys, Starship Troopers infantry, or just wearing a T-shirt and cargo pants, can all coexist. While using a smattering of six-shooters, AK47's and MP5's as weapons, all of which make *pew pew* laser sounds when fired. [:D]