Constructor repair damaged ships (Full Version)

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Parmenides -> Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 12:36:42 PM)

I started a fresh game (Legends) and my constructors are not able to repair damaged ships.
What am I doing wrong?

Data -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 2:43:19 PM)

Hi Parmenides and welcome to the forum. Check the cargo for your constructors, do they have the resources needed for the repairs? They may be waiting for freighters to deliver them.

Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 4:57:13 PM)



They may be waiting for freighters to deliver them.

This is why I would like to see military freighters (MF). I would be able to select a MF, then right click on it, select supply, then select the Constructor or another target that I want supplied and it would keep it supplied with the needed material for the length of the project. Don't get me wrong I don't want to control the private sector fleets I just want the ability to move a small amount of critical resources to the places I think they need to be and the only way to do that is through the use of MF's.

Besides, name one military that doesn't have it's own supply transport capabilities. [;)]

Data -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 5:24:38 PM)

We could name them but they are forgotten by history [:)]

Kayoz -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 9:04:50 PM)



Besides, name one military that doesn't have it's own supply transport capabilities. [;)]

Canadian. Canada's military is disgracefully underfunded.

DasTactic -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 9:18:32 PM)

I actually like that the game forces you to prepare the ground for the civilian network. It always bites me, but there was always something else I could have or should have done. [:)] If I could commandeer parts of the civilian freight network I think the game would lose a lot of its strategy and planning.

Farrels -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 9:20:09 PM)

I tend to have an unautomated constructor on standby to repair stuff

LeonTheNeon -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 9:20:38 PM)





Besides, name one military that doesn't have it's own supply transport capabilities. [;)]

Canadian. Canada's military is disgracefully underfunded.

Perhaps, but we do, in fact, have our own supply transport capabilities for land, air and sea.

elliotg -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/24/2011 10:02:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Parmenides
I started a fresh game (Legends) and my constructors are not able to repair damaged ships.
What am I doing wrong?

How are you trying to get your construction ships to repair the damaged ships?

Here is one way you can do this:

- Select a construction ship, either by clicking on one or by cycling through them in the Selection Panel (Y key)
- hover the mouse over the damaged ship - the mouse cursor should change to a hammer symbol
- right-click the damaged ship to send the selected construction ship to repair it

Does this process work?


Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 3:56:47 AM)



I actually like that the game forces you to prepare the ground for the civilian network. It always bites me, but there was always something else I could have or should have done. [:)] If I could commandeer parts of the civilian freight network I think the game would lose a lot of its strategy and planning.

The problem is the civilian network won't provide you with the resources that you need. You can have a constructor or a newly colonized planet trying to build something and the civilian freighters won't come with supplies. My idea was for the time you really need resources at a particular building project you could assign your military freighters to bring the much needed supplies. We already have the ability to transport fuel (Resupply ships), why not resources. I don't want to control the private sector at all just have the ability to get supplies to my important building projects that are short on supplies.

Another way to get supplies to the building projects that are low on supplies would be to award contracts. The way this would work is you would right click on the project that needs supplies and add an extra 10-50% bonus to all freighters that deliver the much need supplies. The bonus would end when the project is completed.

the1sean -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 5:42:02 AM)

The civilian freighters are usually pretty efficient, they just might not have any place to acquire the needed supplies from. I suggest making sure that you have trade treaties to provide flow of resources from outside your empire boundaries. Also, ensure you have plenty of mining operations running within your own borders to keep supplies flowing...

Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 6:36:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: the1sean

The civilian freighters are usually pretty efficient, they just might not have any place to acquire the needed supplies from. I suggest making sure that you have trade treaties to provide flow of resources from outside your empire boundaries. Also, ensure you have plenty of mining operations running within your own borders to keep supplies flowing...

I don't need to send or entice the civies to supply my projects within my borders. I need some way to get them to supply my projects that are out in the boonies. I don't know how many times I had a space port or construction ship just sit there doing nothing while waiting for supplies that never arrive and I've read about this phenomenon quite a bit on these forums. All I'm asking for is a way to get supplies to these projects, which by the way are almost always on the frontier and beyond. I've already given 2 suggestions and here is a third: each project has a priority, low, normal and high. The default is normal. You would use high for those very important projects and lets the civies know to supply that project first. Normal works as it does now and low is for projects that you would like to build but aren't very important. Low works like normal except when there is a high priority project. 50% of all supplies that would normally go to the low priority would then be diverted to the high priority project. 25% of the normal would be diverted if the supplies from the low priority projects weren't enough. [:)]

Bingeling -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 11:03:42 AM)

In my experience, space ports on the frontier will get done. Eventually. But they sit at "0 % completion" a long time. I believe there may be some priorities and queues for orders going on.

It does of course depend on how remote they are, I would not expect deliveries 5-6 sectors away from nearest point of supply.

Gelatinous Cube -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 11:43:26 AM)

Oh, no. Trust me. Any project, no matter where its built, will eventually get done if you have enough free civilian freighters and enough resources. I don't even try to manage my resources--it just doesn't appeal to me. Lots of Automated Constructors, Spaceports wherever you can afford them, and time will get any project done.

balto -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 12:03:26 PM)

Concur 100% with G-Cube.

ElliotG, that works. But, none of my constructors are ever idle, they are ALWAYS doing important stuff.

When I use the Selection button for Constructors (which is great), (a) is that selecting the Constructors that are closest to the repair site that I am at [is this similar to the 'nearest military unit' button]; or (b) is it selecting the Constructors at random?

Also, when I select a Constructor, they are generally always doing really important stuff - I therefore wish a window would pop up and say something like "Do you want this Constructor to stop what it is doing and go where you are clicking it, or do you want the Constructor to wait until it finishes what it is doing, THEN go to where you are clicking it to." Sort of like giving the Constructors a que of sorts.

feelotraveller -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 12:48:05 PM)

Closest to the repair site.

If you want your constructor to go straight there cancel its current order and then send it off to repair.

balto -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 1:27:20 PM)

Hi Fellotraveller.

Are you saying that by Default, the Constructor will finish what it is doing before it goes to where you told it to repair something?

Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 6:49:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bingeling

In my experience, space ports on the frontier will get done. Eventually. But they sit at "0 % completion" a long time. I believe there may be some priorities and queues for orders going on.

It does of course depend on how remote they are, I would not expect deliveries 5-6 sectors away from nearest point of supply.

I understand that space ports will eventually get done, what I saying is wouldn't it be nice to be able to nudge it along a little. After all you are the emperor and should be able set some supply priorities. Also what if that port you want built is critical to your war effort or has a very rare luxury resource on the planet. Being able to nudge the civies to keep it well supplied would be nice.


ORIGINAL: Gelatinous Cube

Oh, no. Trust me. Any project, no matter where its built, will eventually get done if you have enough free civilian freighters and enough resources. I don't even try to manage my resources--it just doesn't appeal to me. Lots of Automated Constructors, Spaceports wherever you can afford them, and time will get any project done.

It has been my experience that every project does not get built. I have seen constructors trying to build or repair for over an hour with no progress and yes they where in the boonies, but that was where I needed the repair done or where a planet critical to my expansion plans was. Also if any one of my suggestion were implemented you won't have to do a thing, because the current model would be if effect unless you choose to interfere in some way.

So far everyone who has responded to my suggestion, although not critical, has appeared complacent with the way resource management works. Distant Worlds has a good resource management model, but can be made very good to excellent with a few minor tweaks. I do not want to manage the private sector, I only want the ability to encourage it to deliver much needed resources to mission critical projects.

I'll go over my three suggestions again and remember I only advocate using one of them not all three.
1) Have the capacity to build military freighters (MF). You select the MF or fleet with the MF's in it, select your target, choose supply and the fleet will supply the target with needed supplies until the current project is done.
2) Be able to award contracts. You would right click on the space port, planet or constructor that needs supplied and add a bonus payment of 10 to 50% to every freighter that delivers supplies until the project is finished.
3) Set priorities for space ports, planets or constructors or individual projects. When you start a project you select the supply priority that this project has. It would be normal by default. If high is selected supplies would be taken from low priority project first, then normal and always from the closest source possible.

Pro's and Con's
Suggestion 1) Pro's: You have direct control over what resources get picked up, where they go and when they get delivered. You could also use the MF's as a military stock pile. Con's: A lot more micromanagement.
Suggestion 2) Pro's: Low micromanagement, just select a payment bonus for the project and it stays in effect until completed. Con's: Payment's come out of your budget and if you need to build a lot of ships in a hurry the micromanagement part would rise.
Suggestion 3) Pro's: Low micromanagement, just select the priority of the project, constructor, port or planet and your done. Con's: could forget a constructor, port or planet is set to high priority when no longer needed.

So there you have it my suggestions for improving the resource model for Distant Worlds. To say that they will get built eventually or I don't want to micromanage is not a solution for this problem. I'm assuming that there are a lot of us that would use one of my suggestions above and just maybe it would reduce some of the frustration we have with needed supplies not being delivered.

balto -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 7:03:48 PM)

I never have this problem. But then again, I never go far off (3 sectors or whatever, until late in game when you are Tech'd up.)

Maybe the way it is designed is that you should not be going that far away to build/repair things. So I guess what I am saying is, the game works. Not trying to be rude.

Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 7:14:29 PM)



I never have this problem. But then again, I never go far off (3 sectors or whatever, until late in game when you are Tech'd up.)

Maybe the way it is designed is that you should not be going that far away to build/repair things. So I guess what I am saying is, the game works. Not trying to be rude.

So If one of my suggestions is implemented and you can ignore it and it doesn't change the game for you, then why not implement it for those of us that do have this problem.

balto -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 7:23:23 PM)

Good point.

Bingeling -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 8:39:29 PM)

If you have a constructor task that is stuck, it may be an idea to intervene on the constructor. Tell it to "stop", and then give the repair order. It should realize it needs to pick up materials before proceeding. This also works when constructing a station. Repairing will create the missing components.

Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 9:06:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bingeling

If you have a constructor task that is stuck, it may be an idea to intervene on the constructor. Tell it to "stop", and then give the repair order. It should realize it needs to pick up materials before proceeding. This also works when constructing a station. Repairing will create the missing components.

I don't want to come off as being rude [;)], but I already know that work around. I'm trying to suggest solutions as opposed to a work around. My suggestions fix this work around and I believe enhances the resource supply and demand system in place. I'm pretty sure that there are enough players that wouldn't mind telling the our little private sector dude's, hey I need you to bring supplies to planet Farkle and here's a little extra cash for doing so. [:D]

Bingeling -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 9:12:43 PM)

And I love the fact that the civilians get confused and bring no goods. Now, if I only better understood how to make them do what you want. Some kind of feedback on the transport network would be nice. The civilian travel lines are a big help in seeing what is happening, but not quite enough when it comes to understanding why no transport happens.

Deomrve -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 10:05:34 PM)

I don't mind them getting confused either, I would just like a simple way of unconfusing when the need arises.

feelotraveller -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/25/2011 11:18:09 PM)

I would like a way of unblocking. I find it ridiculous at times. My favourite example comes from a ROTS game where after over 30 years my earliest settled colonies, within a sector of my homeworld, still had not finished minimal size 172 spaceports (I've since abandoned such small ports but it just adds to the ridiculousness here). What was lacking was that ultra-rare resource (not) silicon. I had two sources of silicon within a sector when I started construction... but my colonies never got any delivered in 30 years? Come on, there is amusing confusion but this is frustration pure and simple.

I'm for some version of the military freighter. But minimal cargo like 50 tons or something so that it is not open to abuse. In my suggested version this would be a freighter pilot character. But that's just window dressing.

the1sean -> RE: Constructor repair damaged ships (11/26/2011 5:50:33 AM)




ORIGINAL: the1sean

The civilian freighters are usually pretty efficient, they just might not have any place to acquire the needed supplies from. I suggest making sure that you have trade treaties to provide flow of resources from outside your empire boundaries. Also, ensure you have plenty of mining operations running within your own borders to keep supplies flowing...

I don't need to send or entice the civies to supply my projects within my borders. I need some way to get them to supply my projects that are out in the boonies. I don't know how many times I had a space port or construction ship just sit there doing nothing while waiting for supplies that never arrive and I've read about this phenomenon quite a bit on these forums. All I'm asking for is a way to get supplies to these projects, which by the way are almost always on the frontier and beyond. I've already given 2 suggestions and here is a third: each project has a priority, low, normal and high. The default is normal. You would use high for those very important projects and lets the civies know to supply that project first. Normal works as it does now and low is for projects that you would like to build but aren't very important. Low works like normal except when there is a high priority project. 50% of all supplies that would normally go to the low priority would then be diverted to the high priority project. 25% of the normal would be diverted if the supplies from the low priority projects weren't enough. [:)]

My point is that trade agreements with races out in the boonies will help because trade ships from those races will be supplying your outposts directly. I think it is an extremely valid point and should not be overlooked.

In addition, trade agreements with empires on your fringe/outpost areas create a supply and demand relationship that can be extremely beneficial in your situation. Suddenly your once remote outpost is now smack dab in the middle of a lucrative trade route. It changes the trade paradigm.

Another issue that might be plaguing you is the range of your freighter fleet. Designing new freighters with plenty of range and good hyper speeds is important. Since the private sector will use the oldest rust bucket as long as possible this means that long before you overextend your outposts you should be getting longer range freighters into circulation.

Establishing plenty of fueling depots along the way really helps too, as does hunting down pirates and space monsters.

None of these suggestions is a silver bullet, but they will all help get the commodities where they need to go. Trust me, I've played the game a few times.

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