Locarnus -> RE: Auto Building of Research Stations (11/27/2011 4:47:13 PM)
although i didnt experience the "build weapons research at energy site", i also experience the "spam resorts and research centers everywhere". My workaround so far has been, to have my up to date design for those stations and an additional "crap-design" for each. So my standard design has eg 20 research labs for weapons, plus shields and whatever, and my crap-design for weapons has 1 research lab for weapons, and only the minimal other components without shields and other fluff. So whenever I want a research station, I un-obsolete the standard design and place it manually. Afterwards I make the standard design obsolete again and un-obsolete the crap-design. That way, the ai spams only inexpensive crap-designs, saving me lots of maint.