Unwanted ships being built (Full Version)

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geosch -> Unwanted ships being built (12/9/2011 4:20:53 AM)

It happened yesterday, and now today. I have nothing on automatic, and certainly not ship building BUT the computer goes ahead and builds ships on its own (not many). Mostly it happens when my research has unlocked a new ship (yesterday it was at least 2 resupply ships and today it was a cruiser). I know I did not give the build orders.

Okim -> RE: Unwanted ships being built (12/9/2011 4:53:43 AM)

Are you sure those are your ships? Sometimes when you destroy a player you get their surviving ships and designs :)

Dab42 -> RE: Unwanted ships being built (12/9/2011 4:38:18 PM)

This may be something you already know, if so, disregard.

When ships are done repairing they give the same message as when they are built.

Also, ships will go to repair after any mission when they take any damage - without you telling them to repair.

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Unwanted ships being built (12/9/2011 5:36:58 PM)

You seem to get strange issues I do not see.

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