Charles22 -> (1/11/2001 3:51:00 AM)
Engineers 'do not' place mines and then pick them back up (with the same toggled command), with us only hoping that the laying outpaces the taking. IF mines are being removed/placed both, it's because there's more then one obstacle type in the hex. Perhaps it's removing barbed-wire in order to place more mines, etc.
BTW, from what I've seen, you cannot set the mine treatment toggle for the entire group at one time, but must do them all individually. If you have a engineer in one hex, a mined hex behind that, and another engineer behind the mine, then you could easily have the front eng. laying mines, while the back eng. could be clearing them, but I don't know why anyone would do that. I suspect the answer to this sort of problem, is to learn to deal with each unit's toggle individually, and to learn to set one of them (or both) to lay the mines, while the other, should you wish him to face the mines and not clear them, to have the "3rd" option in use, that being the one that allows the engineer to neither clear nor lay.
[This message has been edited by Charles22 (edited January 10, 2001).]