Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Rules question: reserves setup (12/10/2011 11:48:45 PM)
And here are the subphases for land combat resolution: 7.11 Land Combat Resolution Subphases The Land Combat Resolution phase is executed as a series of subphases. Note that the decision whether there is going to be a land combat in a hex was determined several phases earlier in the sequence of play, in the Land Combat Declaration phase. In between these two phases are phases where major powers on both sides get to add more units (land, air, and naval) to the land combats that have been declared. Once the sequence of play gets to Land Combat Resolution, it is time to resolve each of the land combats, one by one. Though the team leader for the phasing side selects which combat is determined first/next, once a specific combat has been selected, MWIF determines a decision maker for each side for the current combat. The decision makers for each side in a land combat are the major powers on each side that have: 1. the most expensive (in terms of build points) land units engaged in the combat, 2. the most land units engaged in the combat, 3. the most expensive units engaged in the combat, or lastly 4. the most land attack/defend factors engaged in the combat. This list is in descending order, and subsequent criteria are only used if earlier criteria resulted in ties. Throughout this phase, the Land Combat form is used extensively (see section for details). 7.11.1 Select Combat (RAC 11.16.5) During this subphase, the team leader for the phasing side (regardless of the units engaged in land combat) selects which of the land combats should be resolved first/next. If there is only one combat, this subphase is skipped. Once a combat has been selected, the game advances to the next subphase. 7.11.2 Non-Phasing Side Snow Unit Decision (RAC 8.2.7) If it is possible for the non-phasing side to gain a benefit by using snow units, the decision maker for the non-phasing side is asked whether to include the benefits of his side’s snow units. Once that question has been answered, the game advances to the next subphase. 7.11.3 Phasing Side Snow Unit Decision (RAC 8.2.7) If it is possible for the phasing side to gain a benefit by using snow units, the decision maker for the phasing side is asked whether to include the benefits of his side’s snow units. Once that question has been answered, the game advances to the next subphase. 7.11.4 Choose Combat Type (RAC 11.16.5 & 11.16.6) During this subphase one player determines which type of combat will occur: assault or blitz. Sometimes that decision is made by the attacking side and sometimes by the defending side. MWIF figures out which side gets to choose (see RAC section 11.16.5 and 11.15.6 for details) and the decision maker for that side gets to click on either the Assault or Blitz button in the Land Combat form. The subphase does not end immediately once the combat type has been chosen. Instead, MWIF waits for the team leader on the decision maker side to click on the Resolve Combat button in the Land Combat form. This slight delay is to give all the players the opportunity to see which combat type was chosen. 7.11.5 Land Combat Die Rolls (RAC 11.16.5 & 11.16.6) After the combat type has been selected, MWIF generates a random number to simulate rolling dice. It then looks up the combat result on whichever of the land combat tables is being used (1D10 or 2D10). That result is reported to all players in this subphase. MWIF then decides which subphase comes next depending on the combat results. There are two possibilities: Convert Shattered Results to Retreat, or Assign Losses. If the optional rule for Fractional Odds is being used, the die roll for that is also done in this phase. 7.11.6 Convert Shattered Results to Retreats (RAC 11.16.5) During this subphase the team leader for the phasing side can convert Shattered and Breakthrough results to Retreats. He indicates his decision by clicking on the appropriate button in the Land Combat form. Once he has done so, the game advances to the Assign Losses subphase. 7.11.7 Assign Losses (RAC 11.16.5) MWIF has a lot of work to do in this subphase. First, it needs to establish the decisions each side needs to make. The defender might have to choose which units to destroy, shatter, and/or retreat. The attacker might have to choose which units to destroy and/or disorganize. In some cases all units on a side are destroyed or disorganized, and that is also done at this time. Destroyed units are placed in the Destroy Units Pool for later processing in the Scrap Destroyed Units phase (see section 7.4.14). Team leaders on both sides simultaneously select which of their own units will take losses, if any. Many times there will be no decision to make. That happens when all the units on a side are treated equally: all destroyed, all disorganized, all retreated, all shattered, or all unaffected by the combat result. After the team leaders have assigned losses, or if no assignments were necessary, MWIF: • places units that have been destroyed into the Destroyed Units Pool, • disorganizes those that have earned that distinction, • places retreating units in the Retreat Stack, and • places shattered units into the Production pool to arrive in the following turn as reinforcements. Having processed all units directly involved in the combat, MWIF checks to see if the attacked hex has been vacated of all enemy land units. If it has not, then any invading and paradropping units are destroyed, and added to the Destroyed Stack. If the attacked hex has been emptied of enemy land combat units, MWIF checks to see if there are any remaining invading and/or paradropping units that can be placed in the hex. Should that occur, MWIF places those units in the hex and changes the control of the hex from one side to the other. If control of the hex has changed, MWIF advances the game to the subphase Change Hex Control. Otherwise MWIF advances the game to the subphase Retreat Units. Note that control of the hex does not change at this time unless a unit successfully invaded or paradropped into the hex. Most of the time, if control of the attacked hex changes, it will be during the Advance After Combat subphase. 7.11.8 Change Hex Control (RAC 11.11.6) During this subphase MWIF checks if an invasion or paradrop was successful. If so, then control of the hex changes and any defending units still in the hex are overrun. Since the hex has been emptied of land combat units, any overrun units will be air or naval units. MWIF executes a Rebase digression so the owning major powers can rebase their overrun units. As you might expect, there will be cases where units are destroyed instead of overrun. Rebasing naval units may be intercepted so a naval interception combat might occur too. All of this can take place prior to land units executing a mandatory retreat. Once hex control has been processed and any digressions completed, the game advances to the Retreat Units subphase. 7.11.9 Retreat Units (RAC 11.16.5) If there are any units to be retreated as a result of combat, the decision maker for the phasing side gets to choose their path of retreat, according to a priority scheme defined in the rules (see RAC section 11.16.5 for details). Should there be only one possible retreat hex, then MWIF implements the retreat without any action by the players. Otherwise, the decision maker for the phasing side picks up the unit(s) and moves them, one at a time, to a destination hex (i.e., he retreats the enemy units). It is possible that only some of the units can successfully retreat. Since the decision maker for the phasing side implements the retreat, he effectively gets to choose which goes first, and thereby which units are unable to retreat and are destroyed instead. If any units are unable to retreat, they are placed in the Destoryed Units Pool. Once the decision maker on the phasing side has clicked on the End of Phase button in the main form, the game advances to the next subphase. 7.11.10 Advance After Combat (RAC 11.16.5) This is the last subphase for resolving a land combat. If the phasing side is entitled to advance units into the attacked hex, or possibly one hex beyond, then that occurs during this phase. The decision maker for the phasing side picks up his advancing units and places them in their destination hexes. In so doing, control of the hexes his land units enter changes and an overrun might occur. If that happens, then a Rebase digression is performed so the owning player(s) can rebase their overrun units. Once the decision maker for the phasing side has indicated he is done advancing his units by clicking on the End of Phase button in the main form, and any digression completed, the game either returns to the Select Combat subphase (see section 7.11.1) for determining which land combat is to resolve next, or terminates the land combat resolution phase if all land combats have been resolved.