LoBaron -> RE: New member with questions? (12/18/2011 12:53:48 PM)
ORIGINAL: Richard III Thanks Nemo, your right, I will play my best, although I have never been with the Rising Sun ,it should be interesting all around. IMO I do need to stop posting and start learning via PBEM. We are doing daBabeslite # 26 and the 1108r6 Beta. These are the HR`s. Options/settings: -Accept air/ground replacement off. -Advance weather on. -AI historical. -Allied damage control on. -Auto sub ops off. -Combat reports on. -Dec 7th surprise on. -Factories to expand off. -Fog of war on. -Historic 1st turn off. -PDU on. -Plane move radius on. -Show combat animations on. -Show combat sum on. -Show clouds on. -Ships/air groups upgrade off. -TF move radius on. -Turn cycle 1. House Rules: - Air Combat TFs to contain no more than 500 aircraft (no death stars). - Allies cannot form new TFs in turn 1, but can alter orders for existing TFs. - Allied LCUs and Air units in China can be moved on turn 1. - Fighter sweep or CAP altitude is restricted to the band of their second best maneuver rating. - Invasions are only allowed in hexes with bases. - No creating dozens of 1 ship TF `s ( AK`s PT`s )in 1 hex on either side. - No naval attack bombing below 10k feet for 4E bombers other that for navy 4E bombers. - No night bombing if moonlight is less than 50% other that for B29s. - No strategic bombing in or from China before 1943. - No using fragments of Para units to take bases. - Only one Japanese port attack on turn 1. - PPs have to be paid to release units from restricted commands. Marc, I`m lucky to find a stand-up guy like you to play. I really hope you will think about doing a public AAR from your side. You have far better skills at that.[8D] Rich Richard, the bolded HR caught my eye, could you please elabourate? Does this HR allow multiple CT TFs in one hex, and if yes, what would be the HR´s benefits? If no, how can you ensure this is not breached as TF reaction has to be taken into account?