CTD when saving other then normal CG (Full Version)

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Zovs -> CTD when saving other then normal CG (12/12/2011 10:48:06 PM)

I loaded the customer German CG and when I tried to save it CTD. I loaded the Barbarossa CG and when I tried to save it it CTD.

I have been able to save in normal long CG fine. Is there a limit to the number of saved files you can have and maybe this is why its crashing? I have 16 (one for each turn).

Also, on the CG 2 (the German CG) I inadvertently tried to save the file German CG 2; Turn 1 and that is when I noticed the CTD.

doomtrader -> RE: CTD when saving other then normal CG (12/12/2011 11:01:55 PM)

I never tried to save so many save games. Just let me check it.

doomtrader -> RE: CTD when saving other then normal CG (12/12/2011 11:14:13 PM)

I just saved the game like 20 times, everytime as a new one, and the game works fine for me.

Could you please check the consoleout.txt file just after the crash? or maybe try to move couple of your save games to different folder and try to save the game then?

Zovs -> RE: CTD when saving other then normal CG (12/13/2011 12:43:51 AM)

Where exactly is the save game folder? I can't seem to locate it. Also, where is the consoleout.txt?

doomtrader -> RE: CTD when saving other then normal CG (12/13/2011 12:54:27 AM)

consoleout.txt is in:
my documents/my games/time of fury/

save games are in:
my documents/my games/time of fury/saves/

d007mog -> RE: CTD when saving other then normal CG (2/13/2012 5:03:56 AM)


i have played about a year into fall gelb and when i load my saved game
the game crashes to desk top
please help

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