ogar -> RE: Newbie saying hi, with questions of course (12/17/2011 6:07:24 PM)
All in all, I do not think you're doing too bad. This is a classic scenario, but I do not think that's the problem here - first, as spzAbt653 writes, get your naval units out of range BEFORE the turn ends. Those coastal artillery units have a long reach. (Look at the bottom right hand corner for sea hexes safely away.) If it helps, I've lost the USN and RN totally, repeatedly in this scenario. second, read the scenario briefing - again. It states that the Allied supply gets cut (storms) early on; welcome to your Normandy vacation ! (Soooo, I'm not sure about setting high supply ON; I played this on 3.2 with high supply OFF, and won vs PO (eventually), so it's doable. Are you playing with New Supply ON or OFF ? Allied supply is restored in later turns as storm damage is repaired, so there's hope there. I do not think your problems are other than a new-ish player playing a well-designed (if older) scenario. (Although supply, 3.4.202, may cause me to change this opinion.) I recommend you stay with the scenario, and your strategy - oh, and move those ships when the round is 50% or so used up, the last half flies by quickly. Another suggestion - for this scenario - is to watch when you want to slog around a hex versus pound a hole through it. Remember supply just got chopped. As for other things lurking in older scenarios -- it varies from scenario to scenario, and from player to player. I do not like to trash a scenario in public - especially if someone published it 4, 6, 8 years ago - it's the best that could be done at the time. However, I do privately gripe and whine (and get the best advice in the world, "Don't like it ? Make a copy and mod an improved version yourself.") But if a new guy were to post, "Gee, I was playing XYZ and it has really been updated. What to do ?" you _may_ find others maybe have tweaked an improved version but not published it. HTH