sPOONz -> RE: Cancel build queue? (12/22/2011 5:18:00 PM)
Urgh, or not! Ok so Im still having trouble getting things canceled. My issue isnt telling a spaceships to stop doing its current task. Its canceling build designations. So to explain in specifics... I have mining stations designated through: Expansion Planner > Resource Targets by Galaxy Priority > (clicking on desired resource locations) > Queue nearest Construction Ship > (Which places a little spaceship icon on the choosen resource column) If I then want to cancel that specific designation I see no option to do so. So how do I cancel it? I have chased my constructors about the map instructing them to 'clear all queued missons' hoping that would work but it didnt. Also, are the 'build mining stations' covered by the automation feature? Ive a bunch of designations in the middle of nowhere sat beside pirate strongholds which I swear wasnt my decision? If it is automated, then which check-box do I need to unclick as there is no clear option. I hope my post is clear enough on what my problem is, in short... I CANT CANCEL BUILD DESIGNATIONS AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! EDIT: Ok, getting the construction ship to stop what its doing does cancel the job completely. Good. And when the mining station is complete, using the scrap button gets rid of it (my mistake was having the mine location selected no the actual mining station.) So now Im just trying to figure out how to cancel a job before a constructor heads off to it. EDIT 2: It just occured to me that mining is covered under the private secter, yes? So thats why mining stations are popping up in awkard places. i guess my job as head of state is to protect those interests. Shame I cant introduce some new Laws to get some state influence over the private sector. Maybe in the next update, they could call it Distant Worlds: Red Tape. EDIT 3: Now Ive just realised Ive anwsered my own question. Their is no option to cancel Mining designations because its the business of the private sector. Yay me!