TheGrayMouser -> Love CS, Hate the Forum (12/29/2011 11:42:27 PM)
Sorry that this post has nothing to do with game but: Jason Petho: (the following is mostly tongue in cheek) I suggest you lock this entire forum until one of the Modern Games is Released, then it can be reopened. At the very least maybe just maybe, at least for a few days, postings will be about the game and not personal dirty landry.[:)] BTW not taking any sides in all this junk, not because I believe that there isnt a villian(s) vs someone wronged, its just that I dont care! Come on guys, a thread is locked and then the personal issues are carried on into another new thread and responded to, over and over, ARRHHHG, where does it end? Use friggin PM's email , snail mail, pistols at dawn, whatever it takes so you can feel better about "getting the last word in" Now load up Giants on the Vistula and blow the crap out of some commies with the heaviest cats the Germans made and let off some steam. If the thought of that doesnt interest you in the slightest, then I cant imagine why anyone would have the slightest reason for reading, let alone posting on this forum. Cheers!