dr.hal -> RE: Large carrier air group coordination (1/17/2012 8:59:16 PM)
Thanks Alfred, I do know that differing nationalities have an impact in naval operations and this is even between countries that speak the same language (somewhat). In relation to Bradfordkay's input, and having been there, operational doctrine can cause some serious problems and that doctrine only has to differ in detail to have a serious impact. That's why NATO created a common multi language doctrine document, found on every NATO member ship's bridge (including the Soviet's I'm sure) in an attempt to soften that impact. It is a flaw in the path to a reflection of reality on the game's part. But as a math person would say, "it's like halving the distance to a wall, you never get there". At some point you have to put playability first over historical accuracy. Having said that, I would have thought SOME small factor thrown in, along the lines of A/C coordination, for some of the die rolls might have been in order. For historical accuracy as an Allied player, I do try to keep like nationalities together, as I feel it my small concession to a more realistic play that is not reflected in any rule. But I hope my opponent Paul will not read about this, it is my secret.... Hal