RE: House Rules (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 3:59:30 PM)

With an all out commitment by Japan, I believe Oz can be taken.  In fact, as an Allied player, Oz worries me considerably more than India (and India would worry me alot under the right circumstances).

NE (Townsville) and NW (Darwin) Oz are easy pickings for Japan.  Even the Perth quadrant should be easy.  The tough nut, of course, is the southeast quarter.  If Japan can land in strength at, say, Geelong (or Portland) and Newcastle (or Maryborough) and move expeditiously to invest Melbourne and Sydney...well, the Allied player is going to sweat.

You know this, but you'll need to move fast, before your opponent can move in reinforcements from the USA.  And you'll need the KB to impose a blockade. 

And is there any reason not to bomb Aussie industry, especially aircraft factories?

Yes, Oz would worry me if I was an Allied player facing an aggressive and experienced opponent....

John 3rd -> KB Plans (1/13/2012 4:18:25 PM)

My thinking exactly Sir.

OK. KB Planning. In this game the Japanese start with the BIG SIX, 3 CVLs (Ryujo, Zuiho, Shoho), and 2 CVEs. All carriers start with full complements of MODERN aircraft.

I will make my traditional opening attacks:

1. Pearl Harbor will be smacked with CarDiv 2 and 5 (Hiryu--Soryu, Shokaku--Zuikaku). I may split off CarDiv5 to lay in wait for early West Coast to Hawaii Convoys. CarDiv2 will race SW to cover the Rabaul through Luganville Offensive.
2. Manila (with those damned SS) will be struck by CarDiv1 (Akagi--Kaga), who will then sink anything they can find West of the Pilippines, and then move to Cover the Palembang Invasion Force. They'll replenish and then raise HELL in the Western DEI and south of Java.
3. My 3 CVL (108 planes) will sink shipping south of the Philippines and then Cover the Ambon and Koepang Operations. Will operate in open waters after that hunting for convoys and then move east to support CarDiv2.
4. The CVEs will block the eastward door of escape from the Philippines and then move towards Koepang to free up the CVLs for more work.

Battleline: 2 BC with CarDiv2 and 5, 2 BC with CarDiv1, Yamashiro--Fuso in Western DEI, Ise--Hyuga leaving Hiroshima to Support Eastern DEI and Australia Ops, Nagato--Mutsu leaving Hiroshima to support Rabaul and Noumea Ops.

The Japanese 1942 carriers come in slightly ahead of their normal dates. Junyo--Hiyo will join up with CarDiv1 and then CarDiv2 will link-up with CarDiv5. Nisshin comes in AS a CVL and it will join its sisters quickly.

I want 4 CVs and 4 CVLs interdicting the eastern side of Australia no later then February 1st (maybe by January 15th) with 4 CVs doing the same on the western side.

John 3rd -> Fuel (1/13/2012 4:22:16 PM)

These operations are gonna cost a TON of Fuel and since RA starts with Japan's Reserve already much reduced (the cost of the expansion prior to war's beginning) it will be a major concern. Have enough AOs to keep things moving but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

John 3rd -> Troops (1/13/2012 5:57:34 PM)

Think my two missing Japanese ID are the 18th and 56th. The 18th is added to the Malay Campaign and the 56th works the Philippines and Eastern DEI.

In a change from the earlier RA Scenarios, 4.0 has Political Points reduced back to the 'normal' level.

John 3rd -> Art (1/13/2012 6:07:59 PM)

Just got a note from JWE and he has been able to load all of our RA Artwork onto the Babes Site! GREAT! SuluSeas work is outstanding and once we decide on his new work for the Allied pages then even more can be added. Red Lancer's plane sides were great as well. The RA Development Team got damned lucky to have those two artists jump in, volunteer their time, and do some magnificent work.


John 3rd -> RE: Art (1/13/2012 6:45:55 PM)

Ha-Ha---My noble and just opponent has his AAR running now. GREAT!

I am still hoping that I don't have to sacrifice a cat to save my Turn One work. Can everyone think good thoughts for MichaelM's attempt to fix it?!!

AcePylut -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 6:59:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd

KFSGO: Thanks for the comments. Perhaps we can leave well enough alone on the CVEs, however, I do agree that their size made things quite difficult. Was just looking at my copy of the British Pacific Fleet and saw that they did use Corsairs...

The B-17/-24 Ground Attack issue does have serious weight to it. I think they be allowed to attack LCUs but they are just soooooooo damned effective. Anyone got any ideas here?

Couple of things I see..

#1 you've made changes to the Jap airframes so that traditionally land based fighters can fly off of CV decks. I think the same allowance should be made for the allies flying Corsairs off of CVE's. "The US made necessary changes to the CVE's to allow F4U's to fly off them without issue".

#2 You want to restrict the US 4E's because they're too damn effective... but in the same vein there aren't any 'restrictions' to Japanese planes that perform their missions too effectively. Maybe restrict the IJN so that only one LBA multi-engine squadron can carry torps per turn or something. all, how much "irl" did the US fear betty torp attacks from 600+ miles out? How much do WITP players fear betty torp attacks at range?

Dunno, seems to me that you're trying to restrict the Allies but not the Japanese, and fantasizing that while the Japs can make all sorts of changes to their flight decks/airframes, the US can't.

Just my 2cents. Good luck!

Cribtop -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 8:42:34 PM)

Watching with interest, John. Good luck. Like Dan, I think that Oz is takeable, but, to quote Band of Brothers, speed is the key.

JeffroK -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 9:34:13 PM)

If you are looking at landings near Melbourne and Sydney,
Consider doing Newcastle & Pt Kembla to take Sydney and Portsea & Geelong to get Melbourne.

Usually poorly defended, cuts off a lot of reinforcing rails into the main cities.
While it splits the attackers a bit, makes the defenders split their force as well.

John 3rd -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 10:13:02 PM)

That is the EXACT plan Jeff.

I shall land at Port Kembla (no Fortification) with most of the force (4 ID) and Newcastle with the rest (2+ ID). Newcastle has a pair of 9.2" Guns so there is some danger there. Will certainly need BB protection with that landing. The two landings will cut north and south reinforcements. I plan--at the same time--to be far enough south of Townsville for a Parachute Landing at Bathurst. If I can have both the SNLF Para Brigade and the 1st Raiding Force, I will have an assault value of nearly 300 hitting that location. REGARDLESS the Allies cannot move by rail through contested hexes so I just MIGHT be able to grab Sydney quickly without a ton of troops there.

I want to grab Lord Howe Island but I think that would be a solid giveaway of my intentions.


John 3rd -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 10:15:06 PM)



Watching with interest, John. Good luck. Like Dan, I think that Oz is takeable, but, to quote Band of Brothers, speed is the key.

How about Sir Brian Horrocks of 30th Corps "speed is the VITAL factor!"

John 3rd -> Concerns (1/13/2012 10:22:40 PM)

As an additional issue/concern I have is this landing MUST be made BEFORE the April 1st deadline. If I have to have my troops PLAN for the Invasion then Allied intelligence will certainly pick-up on it and then the game is up. How can I land prior to the 1st?


This will be interesting...

Cribtop -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 10:27:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: John 3rd



Watching with interest, John. Good luck. Like Dan, I think that Oz is takeable, but, to quote Band of Brothers, speed is the key.

How about Sir Brian Horrocks of 30th Corps "speed is the VITAL factor!"

Yeah, but he LOST (loved the book and movie though). I was trying to send out some of that special clean cut Captain Winters mojo. [:D]

John 3rd -> RE: Concerns (1/13/2012 10:39:18 PM)

How do I get to Australia by April 1st? Thoughts:

1. In thinking on the problem perhaps the real thought here is to simply land enough troops in the Philippines to force a retreat into Bataan and then pullout all but a minimum of troops to hold there. One of the biggest problems I harp on Allied players is that they Sir Robin or immediately begin RUNNING away before seeing how serious an attack is. If Lew immediately falls back to Clark and Bataan I ought to force a retreat by a 3 division attack. Once this occurs I pull out two ID and transport them to Noumea for the big landing.

2. Malaya currently has 5-6 ID assigned to it. Perhaps I follow the same strategy. "Ride like Hell" down the west side and crossover to Singers as quickly as possible while withdrawing an Inf Div at the last moment to gear up for finishing Java and then landing at Geraldton. Finishing Java liberates the 4th Inf Div for use at that point. Already have the 33rd Inf Div assigned to Australia. This will make three Inf Div attacking the western side. If I toss in a Brigade or two then this should provide enough concern for Lew to move troops up. The landing at Geraldton is the key to forcing that.

3. I should have time to buyout 2 Inf Div from China/Manchuria and ship them (high speed APs) to Noumea. I'd now have 4 ID--at a minimum--in Noumea.

4. There will be two Brigades available after I capture Noumea (South Seas and Imperial Guards) and they can be used to land at Cairns to draw troops north.

1. Land in NW Australia by January 1st.
2. Land in Geraldton and Cairns by Feb 1st
3. Smash into Sydney by mid-March

This could be a plan. Course George Armstrong Custer ALSO had a plan. That didn't work out tooooo well. well...actually it worked out GREAT for Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse! [sm=fighting0043.gif]

John 3rd -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 10:40:15 PM)




ORIGINAL: John 3rd



Watching with interest, John. Good luck. Like Dan, I think that Oz is takeable, but, to quote Band of Brothers, speed is the key.

How about Sir Brian Horrocks of 30th Corps "speed is the VITAL factor!"

Yeah, but he LOST (loved the book and movie though). I was trying to send out some of that special clean cut Captain Winters mojo. [:D]

Cribtop: I TRULY appreciate the good Spirit there! What a man and leader he was. Sad to say 'was' now...

Cribtop -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 10:51:55 PM)

Thanks, John. Winters was the man. In my application for Wife of the Year award, I have to nominate my redhead for buying the BoB DVDs, watching them with me and liking it so much that she now regularly watches real war movies with me, AND throwing in a picture of the Market-Garden jump with Wild Bill Guarnere's autograph.

As for your plans, I'd say "soft Luzon" is essential. The idea of a "soft Singapore" is unusual, but probably fits the bill given the need to land with the bonus. You are not kidding when you claim to be aggressive. [:D]

John 3rd -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 11:11:01 PM)



Thanks, John. Winters was the man. In my application for Wife of the Year award, I have to nominate my redhead for buying the BoB DVDs, watching them with me and liking it so much that she now regularly watches real war movies with me, AND throwing in a picture of the Market-Garden jump with Wild Bill Guarnere's autograph.

As for your plans, I'd say "soft Luzon" is essential. The idea of a "soft Singapore" is unusual, but probably fits the bill given the need to land with the bonus. You are not kidding when you claim to be aggressive. [:D]

My wife, the ever-lovely Paula, loves the Band of Brothers DVDs. We've probably gone through them at least twice and perhaps three times. We've The Pacific and I've watched it. Sorry to say it didn't connect with me like BoB. Still fascinating but not as riveting. Sounds like your redhead is a classy dame who knows what her man likes!

Pulling troops from Singapore could be dangerous but it might be needed to achieve the goal.

(While typing the BoB opening music just started: LOVELY!)

To do all this lifting, I will have to immediately convert a number of AK into transports. This will raise the capacity but also raise the stakes on protecting them.

Still keep coming back to fuel...and real concerns there...

ny59giants -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 11:24:41 PM)

Fuel - stockpile at Soerabaja (maybe Broome once built up) and either Rabaul or Noumea.

How many troops will be going to Burma?? He will get those "Emergency Reinforcements" once you land on either side of Sydney. They will take about a month to get from Aden to the India/Burma front, but will not need PP to be bought out and if Lew continues to be aggressive try to hit you hard here while you are in Australia. This will require a balancing act to ensure you can "hold until relieved." A quote form the movie, "The Longest Day" from the commander of the 6th British Airborne. [;)]

pws1225 -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 11:28:10 PM)

Newb question for you here (coming out of your April 1 deadline for Australia): I'm in my first PBEM game as Japan and have up through March '42 not prepped any units for their targets out of fear that SigInt will give away my planned targets. Now that I'm into April, prep is vital, but exposes by plans to my adversary through SigInt intercept. How do you balance gaining proper preparation with masking the Allies ability of picking up on your intended targets? Am I giving Allied SigInt too much credit?

John 3rd -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 11:29:17 PM)

Hey Michael. Wondered where you've been today?

Burma is a major concern. There is--precisely--ONE Inf Div heading there. Won't be enough. Maybe a can 'fake' a strong invasion there if needed...

John 3rd -> RE: House Rules (1/13/2012 11:59:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: pws1225

Newb question for you here (coming out of your April 1 deadline for Australia): I'm in my first PBEM game as Japan and have up through March '42 not prepped any units for their targets out of fear that SigInt will give away my planned targets. Now that I'm into April, prep is vital, but exposes by plans to my adversary through SigInt intercept. How do you balance gaining proper preparation with masking the Allies ability of picking up on your intended targets? Am I giving Allied SigInt too much credit?

Great question. If you KNOW there will be resistance then you had better prep. I did this in my 3.0 Game last year and it caused my invasions to be spread out by a period of about 6 weeks. Since I was down in the area then it wasn't that big of a surprise, however, you do run the risk for the opponent finding out. An excellent way of dealing with this is to FLOOD intell with units prepping for all sorts of phony locations to make your opponent wonder just what is real and what is not.

AcePylut -> RE: House Rules (1/14/2012 1:37:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: pws1225

Newb question for you here (coming out of your April 1 deadline for Australia): I'm in my first PBEM game as Japan and have up through March '42 not prepped any units for their targets out of fear that SigInt will give away my planned targets. Now that I'm into April, prep is vital, but exposes by plans to my adversary through SigInt intercept. How do you balance gaining proper preparation with masking the Allies ability of picking up on your intended targets? Am I giving Allied SigInt too much credit?

Flood their sigint. Set large number of static units stuck in places (like Manchuria) for long times to "plan" for faraway places.

John 3rd -> Game ON! (1/14/2012 1:44:25 AM)

We're ON. MichaelM fixed the file so it is PBEM. THANK YOU!

File sent to Lew and we are now STARTED...

pws1225 -> RE: Game ON! (1/14/2012 3:10:08 AM)


FatR -> RE: Game ON! (1/14/2012 4:54:39 PM)

Good luck to you John. I don't think anyone has attempted a total conquest of Australia in AE so far, so it'll be interesting to watch this campaign unfold.

On houserules - this comment might be too late, I prefer not to HR fighter altitude. Interplay of MVR bands mostly reflect RL dynamics between various planes pretty well, just absolute numbers are off. Well, the major exception is that B-29s are not particularly hard to intercept, but those are B-29s we're talking about. Unless commanded incompetently, they will kick Jap ass anyway.

Also, A6M4 should be non-carrier-capable anyway, unless you've changed them since I last saw the scenario files. Neither A6M3b. A6M3 was such IRL.

John 3rd -> RE: Game ON! (1/14/2012 9:52:28 PM)

The Bombs and Torps have fallen and war is commenced. It was a rather lackluster turn. Nothing terrible and nothing to write home about. Will do the full description later tonight.

seille -> RE: Game ON! (1/14/2012 11:01:59 PM)

Good luck with your plans, John. Canīt await to see how the australian adventure works [:)]

John 3rd -> I must admit... (1/16/2012 4:58:07 AM)

...I FINALLY found a Presidential Candidate I can vote for!


John 3rd -> USS Pensacola (1/16/2012 7:55:19 AM)

Just played out Dec 8th and found the USS Pensacola. The Chokai and 2 DDs got a chance to some target practice. So much for the Americans getting an extra CA in the DEI!

Just to note that my weekends are generally devoted to work and family so I Post very little on Sat-Sun. Will have the time to get back on for a full, detailed description of Dec 7th and the 8th tomorrow morning...


traskott -> RE: USS Pensacola (1/16/2012 8:49:58 PM)

Suscribed !!!

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