OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (Full Version)

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5thGuardsTankArmy -> OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/14/2012 8:42:44 PM)

OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EZ5bx9AyI4

mike scholl 1 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/14/2012 10:03:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: 5thGuardsTankArmy

OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happened...

What happened was that the rest of the nation (having just proved the strength of a Capitalist Democracy) was in no mood to be led "down the river" by a bunch of socialist nonsense. Europe wasn't brought back to life by socialist garbage, but by the capitalist Marshall Plan (probably the most unsordid act in the history of mankind).

tc464 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/14/2012 10:45:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: mike scholl 1
What happened was that the rest of the nation (having just proved the strength of a Capitalist Democracy) was in no mood to be led "down the river" by a bunch of socialist nonsense. Europe wasn't brought back to life by socialist garbage, but by the capitalist Marshall Plan (probably the most unsordid act in the history of mankind).

Rights do not cost anything, a small fact that socialists tend to forget. Socialist "rights" have to be paid for, usually at gunpoint, by some unfortunate guy who made the mistake of actually working hard and earning something.

YankeeAirRat -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 1:07:06 AM)

This is like totally the wrong forum for this topic. [8|]

USSAmerica -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 3:16:00 AM)

What else would you expect from Helmut/Japan/5thGuardsTrash but trolling? [8|]

JeffroK -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 6:35:23 AM)

And look what he caught.

Smeulders -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 10:09:55 AM)



What else would you expect from Helmut/Japan/5thGuardsTrash but trolling? [8|]

Jup trolling; and the right reaction to that would be
"No politics on this forum". The same applies to the two first reactions.

5thGuardsTankArmy -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 12:42:49 PM)

What, you mean US don't like Socialism? All who have served in the US Armed forces get Socialist banefits for life (VA System), and your older people get it as well via Medicare. Socialism is common in the US, you just don't like the name of it. 6 Independent studys show that over 80% of Americans want socialism (but they don't want the label).

Study: Most Americans want wealth distribution similar to Sweden.

"92 percent prefer Swedish model to US model when given a choice.
Americans generally underestimate the degree of income inequality in the United States, and if given a choice, would distribute wealth in a similar way to the social democracies of Scandinavia, a new study finds. For decades, polls have shown that a plurality of Americans — around 40 percent — consider themselves conservative, while only around 20 percent self-identify as liberals. But a new study from two noted economists casts doubt on what values lie beneath those political labels."

SOURCE 1: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/09/25/poll-wealth-distribution-similar-sweden/

SOURCE 2: http://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2011/02/are-americans-closet-socialists/175704/

castor troy -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 1:23:11 PM)



What else would you expect from Helmut/Japan/5thGuardsTrash but trolling? [8|]

wonder when this dork is leaving once and for all...

pmelheck1 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 2:05:26 PM)

As others have pointed out this is a very hot button political issue, especially at this time. No politics on the forum per the rules please.  What's your favorite in game CV oops.  Always loved having a CV damaged getting one hex from a port thinking I'm going to make it just to have it sink...

Dan Nichols -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 2:12:30 PM)



As others have pointed out this is a very hot button political issue, especially at this time. No politics on the forum per the rules please.  What's your favorite in game CV oops.  Always loved having a CV damaged getting one hex from a port thinking I'm going to make it just to have it sink...

Even worse, have it arrive at San Fransisco and then it sinks and the Captain goes down with the ship. [8D]

mike scholl 1 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 3:20:06 PM)

Someone needed to tell this clown to take is "socialism" and peddle it somewhere folks might be dumb enough to buy it. Greece comes to mind. But you're all right..., this is not the place and I appologise. [&o]

5thGuardsTankArmy -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 4:43:49 PM)

What, you mean US don't like Socialism?  All who have served in the US Armed forces get Socialist banefits for life (VA System),  and your older people get it as well via Medicare. Socialism is common in the US, you just don't like the name of it.  6 Independent studys show that over 80% of Americans want socialism (but they don't want the label).

Study: Most Americans want wealth distribution similar to Sweden.

"92 percent prefer Swedish model to US model when given a choice.
Americans generally underestimate the degree of income inequality in the United States, and if given a choice, would distribute wealth in a similar way to the social democracies of Scandinavia, a new study finds. For decades, polls have shown that a plurality of Americans — around 40 percent — consider themselves conservative, while only around 20 percent self-identify as liberals. But a new study from two noted economists casts doubt on what values lie beneath those political labels."

SOURCE 1: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/09/25/poll-wealth-distribution-similar-sweden/

SOURCE 2http://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2011/02/are-americans-closet-socialists/175704/

Capt Cliff -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 5:06:37 PM)

Admin better lock this thread.

USSAmerica -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 6:21:53 PM)

I've found that pictures of naked nuns will usually do the trick.  [:)]

Admiral Mitscher -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 7:28:20 PM)

I think that every site has a clown/troll, we are just lucky that Helmut/Japan/5thGuards is so incoherent that he/she is laughable. [:D]

Terminus -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 7:41:50 PM)

And he's playing with himself looking at this thread getting longer and longer.

Ambassador -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 8:17:27 PM)



I've found that pictures of naked nuns will usually do the trick.  [:)]

You mean this kind of naked nuns :


Nemo121 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 11:21:14 PM)


By posting your own political views you are breaching the rules just as much as 5thGTA PLUS while you might object to socialism the way you are posting is actually quite derogatory to various forum members ( I'm sure we have members from Greece here, for example ). I'm not going to get into a discussion about the rights and wrongs of what you've posted except to point out:

1. You're breaching forum rules with your posting.
2. You may actually be insulting forum members who live in places where they're "dumb enough" by your own labelling ( something I'm sure you don't intend but thoughtlessly have actually managed ) and
3. Talking of less than brilliant things to do - You are giving 5thGTA PRECISELY what he wants - a topic which sits near the top of the 1st page and draws yet more and more ire. Let it slide down where it belongs.

Generally naked nuns or a discussion of the merits of Chuck Norris is the appropriate response to such trolling.

On another note: I've actually seen that movie. The poster is by FAR the best thing about it.

Terminus -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 11:41:34 PM)

Oh, still the same whine. Same trolling from Japan, same crying from Nemo.

jeffk3510 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 12:13:45 AM)

And bullying from you....havent missed that for the last two months..

DD696 -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 12:24:22 AM)

Agreed! Who kicked the rock Terminus (Our Most Prolifically Profane Dane) has been hiding and sweating and swearing under?

GreyJoy -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 12:27:27 AM)

talking about nuns...


USSAmerica -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 1:02:54 AM)



talking about nuns...


That's closer to what is needed.... [:D]

spence -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 1:42:07 AM)

Whilst I am not opposed to religious women being endowed by nature with extraordinary bazooms I can't help but wonder what exactly did become of the rights as described in the post.

It seems to me that a significant factor was that there were many who just expected those rights to drop into their lap according to the laws of physics or some such: somewhere I must have missed that class. The idea that they must be paid for has apparently never occurred to those who figure such things.

No such thing as a free lunch.

Joe D. -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 2:10:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: 5thGuardsTankArmy

What, you mean US don't like Socialism? All who have served in the US Armed forces get Socialist banefits for life (VA System), and your older people get it as well via Medicare. Socialism is common in the US, you just don't like the name of it ...

I think there's a fine, but distinct difference between a particular VA benefit or other med service being socialist in nature and socialism in general.

Terminus -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 2:13:16 AM)

I'm amazed how good Japan is at typing with one hand.

jwilkerson -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/16/2012 2:19:18 AM)

I took a chance and let the first couple of posts go ... should've know better ... will next time ...

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