5thGuardsTankArmy -> RE: OT: Roosenvelt's best moment ... what happand... (1/15/2012 12:42:49 PM)
What, you mean US don't like Socialism? All who have served in the US Armed forces get Socialist banefits for life (VA System), and your older people get it as well via Medicare. Socialism is common in the US, you just don't like the name of it. 6 Independent studys show that over 80% of Americans want socialism (but they don't want the label). Study: Most Americans want wealth distribution similar to Sweden. "92 percent prefer Swedish model to US model when given a choice. Americans generally underestimate the degree of income inequality in the United States, and if given a choice, would distribute wealth in a similar way to the social democracies of Scandinavia, a new study finds. For decades, polls have shown that a plurality of Americans — around 40 percent — consider themselves conservative, while only around 20 percent self-identify as liberals. But a new study from two noted economists casts doubt on what values lie beneath those political labels." SOURCE 1: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/09/25/poll-wealth-distribution-similar-sweden/ SOURCE 2: http://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2011/02/are-americans-closet-socialists/175704/