Chickenboy -> RE: Japanese fighter production in 42/6 (1/18/2012 6:53:43 PM)
My opinion: A6M3 (and subsequent A6M3a, A6M5...) will be your mainstay IJNAF fighters for at least the next year and a half. Same for Tojo IIa-produce the heck out of this model, it will serve you well into mid-1943. Much better choice than the Oscar IIa and IIb. Most IJ players continue to produce the Oscar series and also produce the Tonys whilest focusing on the aforementioned airframes. Why? Diversification. The Oscar IIa and IIb have superlative IJAAF range, much better than Tojos or Tonys. They are useful as bomber escorts, but less so for point defense fighters. I produce all of these models, in varying quantities. PM me if interested in my precise settings. You should also plan on researching the George, Frank and other useful mid-war fighter models, of course. Thus, you may need to increase your Ha-35 engine production to keep pace with your expected higher production. Good luck!